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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Think until you outgrow it

Nobody has every encountered anything but a thought or projection of a thought.  One does not escape from now, but one may deny it or be distracted.  To be lost in thought is to forget the essence of being.

Perception combines feelings and sensations with judgment.  The inner judge introduces thought and tells you existence is based on structures and forms that you work out.  Curiously, everything is fine already. Time is irrelevant. As you ask, how do I still the mind? Mind tricks you to believe it is not already still.

In terms of form and linear time, you may not be able to add much more to your cv or identity. The mind-created sense of specialness or recognition may or may not be realized.  What is the point then, of obsessions with form, the search for things, engagement in endeavours? What is already transforming?

To feel the luminous, formless being is beyond thought, beyond a conceptual dream of personal history. Move beyond constant neediness and drama.  Awareness is stillness that exists beyond images and comparisons. It is not something you experience if you follow a course of action. Stop thinking to just be.

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Reader Comments (9)

I am past drama. Working on neediness next. :) No -- seriously, I am!

I had never considered being lost in thought as actually being distracted or denying the present moment. Hmmn, interesting food for thought. Thank you.

August 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Being lost in thought does not enable one to see the world as it really is or see self as it is. People often underestimate to what degree they are fantasy-driven. To tell yourself what you want to hear is to perpetuate fantasy and give life to form. Make space. Step outside or break the continuity of past and future. Many humans many are transitional beings that contain old and emerging consciousness beyond form. Awakening into now is to move beyond mind, form and time. Sense beyond words.
August 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
Haha, love this!
There's nothing but self-projected thoughts. So the only solution is to stop thinking, and just be.
Interesting idea that the inner judge is the source of thoughts. Which came first?
August 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaushik
One way of looking at thought may be described as the outer edge of a frequency band or of an invited spirit that humans often nibble upon which stimulates more growth and expansion of the thought. The thought, like streams of energy emanating from a larger source, a core spirit, when not explored in fullness, becomes restless, till one enters its core and makes love to it. It can behave as a scorned lover till marriage and re-union dissolves the tension that initially created the game and playing field lodged in the mind where people get lost in the tit for tat micro universes that we each often create.

We outgrow the thought by exploring this energy closer and closer till we see through it and then beyond it. The thought no longer keeps us contained which was only done in the first place because we wanted to communicate with this aspect of the dream realm. There is certainly nothing wrong with thoughts, but in order to sense and reconnect with the bigger or inner picture, one can let go of everything, as if one were resetting the environment so that new seeds can be grown or differing frequencies from different parts of the spectrum can be combined, as in alchemy, where new experiences are born and explored.

We can look at neediness or drama as a sign that someone is close to resolving an issue, but is afraid of diving head first to the heart of the matter that has been created. There is turbulence as one re-approaches the initial workings and essence of the initial design of any perceived conflict or problem. However, one often backs off to the outer edges where one feels relieved instead of returning to the roots where an issue originally germinated.
August 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWalking in Stillness
Rizal, to grow aware of role-playing personalities is to choose to function from a deeper level of being.
August 4, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Kaushik, this is reminiscent of the classic query about the chicken and the egg. If all things are vibrating energy fields in constant motion, then how one perceives a given vibrational frequency is based on selective awareness. Thoughts consist of the same energy vibrating at a higher frequency than matter and explains why using physical senses cannot grasp them. The judge is a thought form.
August 4, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bernie, nobody can tell you who you are. It remains unmanifested and one awakens to it or not.
August 4, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. at the moment I have no choice but to just be .. and I must say without the worry about 'what next' .. I just do what I need to each day and move forward slowly, preserving my health .. without the constant obsession about the future .. I've just taken what action I can, prepared for the future with various options and will just take life as it comes.

It's an interesting change of life .. usually I'm 'well controlled' .. but now just going with what happens .. thanks Hilary
August 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary

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