Nobody is a stranger

What if you begin to sense nobody is a stranger, that everyone you think you do not know is actually an old friend you temporarily forget? What if you enter unfamiliar settings as a willing participant in bigger things?
The experience of awakening to the nature of dreams and sensing the limitlessness of mind can shock the conditioned mind. Many people feel this kind of expansion shifts to a sense of being and knowing forever.
Part of you is forever present, spontaneous and fearless. True nature of existence invites you to release self from individualistic attachments and misperceptions of freedom. Choose instead to be open, naked, flexible. Take responsibility for who you are. Be receptive and grateful for opportunities to transform.
Reader Comments (10)
Everything becomes beautiful dance of infinity.
Interesting...perhaps this is why awakening is not abiding, until it is. We keep running back to the conditioned mind, from shock.
I just read a tweet about the same subject stating how we never dream of strangers, they are people we have met at some point.