Self-reflection of the moment

If you felt unlimited freedom, what would you be doing right this moment? Reflect on the nature of what you are doing and what you say you would like to be doing. Take a closer look at what truly prevents you from being who you are. What do you sense or recognize? Share your revelations. What do they reveal about or invite you to do as your inner work? Its all about choosing to Transform Your Life.
Reader Comments (5)
I am reminded of watching a documentary Saving Luna, and of letting nature takes it course and realizing when watching this, how very much we are of nature' course as well. It made me think of the intelligence of nature, not really of a kind of mind intelligence, but moreso of a more complex one, of actions and reactions.
It's interesting in my situation .. I should be able to have it while looking after my Ma, so while I unwind and re-sort my life and achieve unlimited freedom for myself, even though I will be there for her I should be able to experience unlimited freedom within the constraints of a Nursing Centre scenario .. Thanks Hilary