David Icke & a new spiritual revolution

David Icke is a former professional athlete and news presenter. What he describes as a "synchronistic almost daily journey" of connecting with something beyond himself led him to become an author known for writing about who or what is controlling the world beyond 'normal' perception. He claims a guiding force is transforming his life. His books and interviews, like this one with Max Igan, speak for themselves.
You may wonder what this vibrational communication means for you and your existence. Note the butterfly effect. As humans exist on so many levels of consciousness, acting as receiver transmitters, the implications are profound. If you only speak words to pacify the brain, part of you senses there is a spiritual revolution in process in the form of vibrational change. Most of your communication is non-verbal. As you tune into switching frequencies, you sense energetic changes unfolding. Your outer life is realigning to new states of being.
Icke explains how intution enables him to learn more and more as he is drawn to books, people and experiences. He is drawn to specific places without always knowing why and synchronistic things continue to happen. Icke notes he is gradually de-programming the social conditioning of his mind. This enables him to raise consciousness in ways that open his senses and heightens his energetic sensitivities. Although he attributes this partly to reptilian beings, other reasons also help explain ongoing changes.
Ever notice how something beyond you is whispering or guiding you in particular directions? Ever make certain choices without really consciously beng sure of why except to say something feels right? Ever sense energy pulsing through you that affects your awareness and level of concentration? Some people feel they have a lot in common with the protagonist in James' Redfield's book, The Celestine Prophecy, who impulsely headed to Peru on s quest that changed his life.
Energy is indeed travelling through you every moment. What you choose to make of it depends on many things. What do you feel is happening to you right now? What do you sense the purpose of raising your consciousness or kundalini energy? When you sense incredible opposition, something is always protecting and encouraging you to do what feels right. Your sense of perception shifts and you may not feel a need to explain what, how or why. Just face the fear. Go with the flow.
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However, if a part of the program is forgiven or erased, one feels a spaciousness inside. Soon they will notice that if one asks a question, a synchronistic event occurs through that spaciousness to help answer that question. Inspiration is therefore, received. One begins to notice that the newness, or the creativity that one is receiving, is not coming from us. The information is from beyond us. Its like one can summon a spirit and the spirit can give you a message or energy that can be transformed and gifted to the earth. Therefore, one can describe the process of receiving new energy as being Alien, as if some outside entity is assisting in our development. This newness makes one feel alive and a part of the process. It is an act of reawakening. I like to call this as steps towards achieving our Destiny.
Human beings are invited to shift focus from structure, rules, polarisation, limitation, heirarchy, separateness and materialism to the perception of consciousness. To figure out what you are and what is important is to realize you are empowered to transform from the inside out. To change the mental projection is to change the conscious experience. In your vision of reality, change can embody everything. If consciousness is in control, you learn you must live the change you wish to become. Any holographic reality is a projection from somewhere. What you play out reveals your state of being. You can talk about something as an intellectual. You can react the way you are programmed to react as a biological computer. You can also discern its posible to observe mind, move into consciousness. This state has nothing to work out. What are you? Mind prisons are self-imposed. If you can say what you believe, then filter and label it, you are stuck in a rigid, mental loop. This is not free thinking.
As you become more conscious, you are empowered to change the rules of the game and help others awaken. Your vibration is already changing as you read this now.
The five senses within are constantly decoding energy vibration and interpreting electrical signals. The prime reality is vibrational fields. You are programmed to read certain energy fields. You accept energy in the form of media information and see a decoded version of a vibrational field because this is what you are conditioned to detect. To attune to energy shifts leads the the left brain to detach from its sense of reality and open to other possibilities. As you understand the game better, you become more receptive to creative energy flow. Negativity often stems from ignorance about different possibilties and levels of reality. Music invites expanding openness.
"Your Past is not your potential. In any hour you can choose to liberate the future...Ultimately, we know deeply that the other side of fear is freedom."