Jaikaur Leblanc & Interview on authentic living

I had the pleasure of connecting with Jaikaur through a series of synchronicities. She is a healer and spiritual teacher. Her insights stem from views on physical and non-physical existence. I found her blog, discovered her radio show, and resonated with a kindred spirit in a way that defies logical explanation. It is a heart-warming experience to share dialogue with her. She has generously opened herself up here;
Who are you at this moment?
An experience and expression of energy moving through time and space, intimately engaged with matter. As such, I enjoy the pleasures of my physical senses and engage in the dance between the body and spirit, the infinite and finite, the known and unknown. It is an experience of mystery and mastery, with joy and growth as both carrot and the stick!
And, I am a woman, an incarnation whose roles of daughter, mother, sister, friend, and partner are wonderful workshops in which to play with and give expression to my paradoxical nature. I learn and share with others in their paradoxical, infinity-contained within matter- journey of a human being. As a woman-a leader, healer, teacher-my infinite creativity is asking of me what is it I want to create with my being.
When have you known spiritual crisis?
Spiritual crisis has often been a part of my life, simply I did not apply this label to these experiences. I have almost died three times-the last time I had no pulse for over a minute-and yet at the time, understood that I was simply being asked to live more fully vs simply going through the motions. There was no discrepancy between my expectations, knowing, and experience and so I did not label these times of NDE or crisis.
What I did experience as spiritual crisis was when the spiritual community I had lived in for decades, raised children with, and helped grow, did not stand up in truth and integrity for our stated values as a community. Instead, they chose to accept the offer of financial reward for their silence and their averting of their eyes from wrong being done by one of our ministers.
My mind struggled to understand how people whose identity was to stand for the truth could instead be consciously choosing to not do so, and for money no less! Through my meditations, I came to the understand that this crisis was serving to upgrade my understanding of the Divine as well as my own divine strength and understanding. The crisis served as an effective way to get my full attention, and in the end, has served me enormous gifts.
Describe an experience that touched your heart deeper than you thought you could reach.
The experience of bringing children into this world and raising them has touched me very deeply. Through our love for each other, I have experienced the healing benefits of unconditional love that wise ones teach, laying down my mind’s judgment, making room for compassion, grace, and joy.
My children’s gift of unconditional love has made it possible to enjoy realms of understanding not otherwise available to me, certainly not through my mind or five senses alone. I have now the understanding that the sacrifice a person may make for another is a very pure expression of love. In parenting, the day to day sacrifice of one’s own desires to care for and serve another being is divinity in action.
How do you understand the concept of a miracle?
A miracle is simply allowing that which already exists in the realm of infinite possibilites to manifest into our five senses realm. What makes a miracle possible for us to experience in our 5 senses world is our conscious choice, our conscous updating of our beliefs, our faith and trust in our infinite being, and ability to intentionally manifest through our imagination into our physical world. As I like to say, the physical manifestation is simply the period at the end of the manifestion sentence!
What advice would you offer people who resist change or letting go?
Change simply is...without our body’s letting go of the air within our lungs and to make room for new air, we would die within minutes. We have been taught to fear change and to equate change with scary and bad. Many definitions we were raised by are definitions. It is our responsibility as an adult to update, much as we have updated the size of our clothes from what we wore as a 10 year old!
An exercise I share with students is to ask them if they are happy with all the aspects of their life. If not, would they not seek to change them vs babysit their unhappiness? Not letting go is a choice, and choice is our gift to exercise. Our bodies are often better teachers, more wise about living than our minds are, for our bodies are living in the now and our minds are often in either the past or the “what-if”of the future. Our bodies do not lie, whereas our minds can be as prostitutes in their need to maintain control.
Which instance(s) in your life remind you blessings are unexpected?
I was the oldest of 7 children and by the time I was out on my own, I did not feel the need to mother any others. And, it seemed as though that was to be, with previously undiagnosed infections creating various challenges to becoming pregnant. I let go of needing to have children and promptly got pregnant, had a healthy baby, and through parenting, have embodied more wisdom and knowing than through my intentional studies with masters. Who knew of the wealth and blessings that becoming a parent would gift me with-certainly not me and my lack of need to have children!
Why do you encourage others to quiet the mind?
As the sound of our soul is most often a quieter voice than our mind’s noisy voice, it behooves a person to learn how to hear the quieter voice within. Our conscious choice is required to hear the quieter voices of our soul and heart amidst the Greek chorus of all the voices within us.
What is a Greek chorus? It is the many voices within us that clamour for our attention and want to direct us.... the voices of our parents, teachers, media, ancestors, friends, doubt, despair, love, awe, joy. As conscious adults, we are required to assert the stewardship of our life’s journey, using the North Star of our heart and soul. Daily meditation of some sort is an essential component of being able to hear the difference in the voices within us.
As Buddha reached enlightenment, he briefly sensed this could not be taught. What is your view?
Teaching is a sharing of what has been experienced-whether with one or millions-that may or may not be relevant to another’s sovereignty, growth, or journey as an infinite soul and spirit. My wisdom is simply another ingredient-along with their own ingredients/wisdom-in the life soup of experiences. The universe is constantly evolving, in motion, nothing ever truly the same from moment to moment. This is the amazingness of being an aspect of infinity, we truly are infinite, and as such, our self is without peer, precedence or other.
And so, at the most level of truth, the journey-be it a day trip or enlightment-is personal, is one's own. There are many very good road maps for wisdom and living offered by those who have travelled their life journeys before us. And their map is simply that...a map, not the experiences, learning, and wisdom unique to ourselves and the vastness of our soul’s uniques evolution.
What do you say to the idea every person is his own guru?
Yes, we are our own guru-that which takes us from dark/unconscious/non-truth to light/conscious/truth-and, we need each as gurus as well. As human beings, while we are sovereign in soul and destiny, our means to do so are through our community of experiences with each other. Another paradox, another both-and....the hallmark of the Divine!
How would you describe your legacy?
As a woman who loved her gift of life, who served those who shared her life, and who gave wisdom, love, and joy freely.
Who inspires you?
People who engage with their soul’s depth, dimension, and expression in their daily living. People whose roles in life are simply vehicles of expression for their heart, soul, and spirit.
If you took on a form other than what you presume to be, what would that be and why?
I feel joy and wonder at Bird’s ability to dance with the unseen air and winds between the earth and heavens. In many traditions, Bird is considered the animal which travels between the physical and the spiritual worlds. I would like that life as a bird which seems happy and in ease with dancing in-between worlds,and it’s dance with the unseen.
Anything else you would like to add that makes your life authentic and truly meaningful?
Magic abounds on this planet we call Earth and the choice to consciously engage in joy, love, and beauty is one that results in receiving the awe, wonder, and bliss of living our divinity through our humanity.
I really appreciate all your candid reflections. Connecting to soul means being present and raising awarness on different levels. As you imply, every step of everyone's journey is useful experience.
If you would like to learn more about Jaikaur, find out about her workshops and other endeavours,consult her Women's Grace, Grit, and Gratitude" website http://www.jaikaur.com and her Blog Talk Radio show http://www.blogtalkradio.com/JaiKaur
Reader Comments (7)
Para 3 - I'm experiencing that now for my mother.
You have asked absolutely the right questions and Jaikur has provided me with lots of food for thought - thank you
I will get to listen to blog talk radio clip in the near future.
Thanks so much - really good post for me ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
I can certainly relate to her love effusion at parenting and how it lifts to love heights one never knew could exist.
And she's got me thinking I might consider updating from my 10-year-old wardrobe, could be why I get so many raised quizzical eyebrows over my buttons, frills and bows. Not to mention my rainbow neon tube socks :)
From Jannie, my own guru, getting by and ever higher with a lot of help from friends like you.