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Connect with unlimited freedom

Submitted for analysis by Lana in New Brunswick, Canada.

Dream- I am flying in my dream, even soaring above my familiar home town. I land on my feet on the ground long enough to connect with people I know to ask them why they are not flyingtoo. I sense bliss and take off to fly again. I sense no limits and wonder why people do not feel the same.

Predominant Emotions - bliss, joy, love, brief self-doubt.

Interpretation- Every dream is an invitation to gain more trust in your inner wisdom. Be patient. Stay open. Do not force meaning. Realize looking into a dream dictionary is not necessarily giving you the answers you require. There is no short-cut to inner understanding. Be open to mystery as well.

Flying draws attention to a sense of freedom from limitations that typically characterize physical worlds. This may represent releasing tension or liberating your mind from troubling thoughts. Misconceptions gradually dissolve, provided you are ready to acknowledge and work through them to grow.

Note whether the flying occurs spontaneously or whether something triggers this newfound freedom. Spontaneous flying is linked to flapping arms or exerting effort to 'get off the ground.' You may feel you must earn the perks associated with creative freedom by first suffering or knowing discomfort.

Making a conscious choice to fly is a degree of lucid dreaming. You begin to sense you are responsible for your thoughts, feelings, behaviour and self-control.  Lucid flight experiences are often compared to levitation or floating upward without struggle. Out-of-body-experience (OBE) is a state of awakening. You realize the secret to knowing is being.

As you notice everyone is not at the same state of awareness, this does not mean individuals are unequal or have different abilities. Part of you knows you are connected to everyone and everything. Yet, part of you doubts inner knowing. Each time you act to "keep your feet on the ground," you are disputing conscious revelations you have about the authentic self. When revelations are incompatible with conditioned beliefs, you are apt to reject revelations rather than the misconceptions. As you have free will, you shift behaviour whenever you choose.

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Reader Comments (1)

You have the capability to Soar with Spirit. It is freedom just to Be. However, a part of you is still grounded on earth since you have a connection to a place you call Home. Since you associate a place with Home, you want the rest of You to soar back to the Heavens.

In the so-called waking life, you can spread your personal message in your Home town that there is a means to soar and you can therefore point the Way for them. You can be their guide.

Another option is to redefine what you identify within you as Home. When one becomes more familiar with the Self, one transcends aspects of the Self and is Home whereever their mind takes them. The mind its self can be transcended. Then there will be no need to question others why they do the things they do. Because while at Home, there is peace and perfection no matter what illusion is being Broadcasted.
September 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern

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