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Liara Covert, Ph.D

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What to learn from an ancient medicine man?

In an era of increasing spiritual awareness, many human beings recognize they are on a quest for something they find  hard to describe.  They travel near and far yet, do not always know who to ask for guidance.  Is it touch and go for you?

As you temporarily forget the series of choices you make in everyday life is its own kind of pilgimage, you may seek new answers in a foreign land.  With some luck, planning or, divine intervention, you may encounter a medicine man.  What would you ask him if  he offered to advise you ?

More people than you may imagine are asking how to connect with higher forces, how to know God, Allah, Shiva, Vishnu, Zeus, the Creator, the Source, or some Higher Power assumed to have all the answers.  People seek quick fixes to problems. What would you expect the ancient wiseman to say?

1) Turn off the noise in the mind.

2) Reconnect with the heart.

3) Use love as your filter for everything.

4) Realize you have no reason to worry.

5) Explore aspects of self that hide from view.

6) Write a letter to God and read it back to yourself.

7) Stop dwelling on what you are not, and see all you are.

 8) Accept apparent cost of any journey is worth the sacrifice.

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Reader Comments (4)

9) Look within. It's a cliche but it's true. Your points actually all lead within. The truth is encoded in us.
Pamir, your perspective is a very appropriate summary here. The voice each human being reaches for exists within. A person can describe it as a holy man, a guru, the Highest Self or even a construct of the mysterious subconscious. Some people believe this voice exists to shield them from unnecessary torment, to open the curtains and permit light to beam from the infinite soul.
June 7, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
2) Reconnect with the heart.

3) Use love as your filter for everything.

4) Realize you have no reason to worry.

June 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, endless waves of transformation shape your existence. It is a pleasure to be part of your journey to expansion. Many people long to travel and forget they are already travelling. Learning to be content as you are and how you shift consciousness is life-altering.
June 7, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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