April & Allen Crawford Interview

April Crawford is a deep trance channel for particular frequencies of spirit energy. If you are familiar with the Seth books, Jane Roberts, Abraham-Hicks (Teachings of Abraham) then this is a familar territory.
Allen Crawford has facilitated this communication between April and energies that answer to 'Veronica' for 15 years. I initially grew aware of April's work through peer trance channels, automatic writing and also as guided by mysterious synchronicity. I am grateful Allen acted to mediate this thought-provoking interview.
Thanks Allen for your willingness to participate here. We appreciate April and all the insights she offers this material world as well.
Please describe the circumstances that led up to April's awareness of and channelling of energies, including 'Veronica.'
As described in the intro to "Parting Notes", April just seemed to pass out one day. When she "awoke", it was not English she was speaking, but fluent French.... and it was not April that was speaking, it was a teenage girl, that once she learned to speak English (still with a French accent, told us that her name was Lizette. Those individuals present discovered that April is a natural Open Deep Trance Channel. After the first few following weeks, with us talking to many different entities and non-physical beings in addition to Lizette, VERONICA came through. We gave VERONICA that name because in the beginning "she" refused to give us a name, saying in essence that "Labels were limiting and unnecessary". The name however stuck, and now VERONICA is recognized using that name by various non-physical beings throughout the cosmos.
What prompted you to attune to higher consciousness as you do now? Was there a particular trigger to your awakening?
April had no interest in metaphysics or channeling before the event mentioned above. However, those in attendance were very interested in channelling and that probably acted as a trigger to reveal April's natural ability as an Open Deep Trance Channel.
How does it feel to raise your energy vibration and receive an influx of energy from a spiritual entity?
April has stated she simply calms her mind, then "falls backwards." In essence, her consciousness leaves her body to allow the non-physical being or entity to come through. In most cases, April has no memory of the session or even if anyone actually came through (although in my experience they do 100% of the time).
Why do you continue to align with the energy of Veronica (and not other energies, for example)?
That is a total misconception. April is a OPEN Deep Trance Channel. The "Open" part of that description means that April can and does allow not just Veronica, but many different types of non-physical beings to come through. Last night, for example, at a private in-person client's session, we talked to two different highly-evolved entities and also two different individual aspects (people who are in-between physical lives and from different historical time periods). Veronica is the most well-known channelled entities in part because of the Inner Whispers newsletter, videos and related media coverage.
When human beings channel higher entities, they do not always feel comfortable with what they receive. What prompts you to accept and relay ‘Veronica’?
April Crawford does not "relay" VERONICA. April is not a "relay channel", but rather a deep trance channel. VERONICA speaks directly for herself. April has no influence on the process other than allow VERONICA to come in. While we cannot speak to other people's experiences, we can say the "fear" may be an issue with them. In the case of VERONICA and others, April has no fear. Otherwise, why does anyone accept and trust anyone else? It is the same process with accepting an entity.
How does a non-linear perspective shape your conscious, human decisions when you are not aware of (or tuned out from) channelling Veronica?
Again, April's experience is not limited to VERONICA, although VERONICA is certainly a major part of it. Non-linear perspective, or multi-dimensional experience, is expanding and can alter priorities. How would you say that the ability to see color in a colorful world would alter the perspective compared to only being able to see in black and white? This is a perspective of inner sight.
What is it about the exercise of conscious, lucid dreaming that opens channels to communicate with non-physical entities?
They are all about the expansion and understanding of the nature of consciousness and the true nature of reality in general. Everyone has spirit guides. They are always trying and hoping to communicate with those physically-incarnated. Humans tend to get caught up in their egos and dramas and in the process, cut themselves off from their true natures and abilities to a great extent.
Share some of your personal experience reuniting with a soul-mate in more than one lifetime.
Too long a discussion for this forum. Just know that everyone has more than one "soul-mate" and that individuals tend to travel together in various physical incarnations. Two non-physical beings we know as Sophia and William have written a book based upon their actual experiences on this subject. It is 900 + pages. We hope to publish it some day, but publishing a book of that size is a daunting task.
I begin to fathom the daunting task. A 1056-pg encyclopedia of spirit is a special reference book I use that required huge effort for authors to compile.
When there is a discontinuation of the physical form you inhabit, how do you decide when and where to return from where you go?
Based upon your experience, your level of awareness, and your personal individual preferences and choices.
What advice would you offer to an energy being who is in the process of detaching from conditioned beliefs or learning to channel?
Lose any expectations, quiet the internal chatter in your mind, be open, and lose the fear.
Anything else that you would like to add?
Check out the newsletter at www.InnerWhispers.net and www.AprilCrawford.com including the videos.
Thank you Allen and April for offering insight into the open doorways into spirit realms. Your experiences confirm existence beyond the physical plane and encourage human beings to explore hidden facets of their own personalities. I encourage readers to read about April and her work.
Reader Comments (6)
great advice for so many things!
I think April is very priviledged and I can understand why she wouldn’t be frightened at all. Some may be skeptical, others may be intrigued, but I find this speaks to me in a deeply personal way not easily defined. The entire concept of bridging the gap between worlds is incredibly comforting to me and feels as if it’s a most natural thing for us to do. It seems to me like going Home for a visit and conversing with those who love us most.
This interview brought a flood of thoughts. I’m sorry for taking up so much space, but I don’t know what to omit!
Several years ago, in what I can only term a vision (except it was physical, too), I glimpsed untold beauty in the form of color and peace and music and silence and inclusion and completeness, and it was surrounding me and within me and I knew I was seeing Love in a heavenly expression. There is, indeed, nothing to fear from what we cannot see!
We just need to release our tight grip on the physical world in order to see the other beauty available to us. Finding the time to do that can be difficult when our lives are so full. Meditation seems the simplest avenue.
April’s description of just falling back rings true. I had the good fortune to attend a healing event wherein a woman channeled a group of doctors. She touched my forehead, and I instantly “fell away” from myself—out like a light—and the doctors were then able to evaluate and even manipulate my body. I felt my wounded neck become readjusted and my back and legs manipulated, making movements I was unable to make just minutes before; I clearly heard their instructions for me, as well. When they left and I awoke, I had complete mobility without any discomfort. Assistance from beyond our sight comes in many forms.
April’s various channeled entities also are completely acceptable to me, accents included. (What is the difference between “entity” and “individual”? Is an entity a group of individuals?) The closest I have come to any kind of crossover communication is the conversations I hold while dreaming or awake (more limited). Focusing my thinking through writing helps me practice hearing; “they” pop in with interjections of encouragement as I type, emphasizing points for me to consider or to develop further or even pointing out when I’m completely off base. Interestingly, I’ve come to realize that, while dreaming, I can sometimes discern different voices, even regional accents, the speaker’s sex, and vocal inflections. Usually, however, my experience suggests they collectively project themselves as a single “Voice.”
Also, and this is fun, just a few weeks ago, I heard my horse clearly say, “I’m a horse, and I’m smart!” There was pride and humor delivered with the thought-words. I’d just been telling myself how proud I was of both horses for their quick learning. That caused me to wonder: Did I really hear my horse’s thought or was that my “Voice” friends just passing along the message? How would I know?
It’s all so interesting! “...the expansion and understanding of the nature of consciousness and the true nature of reality in general.”
Whenever you host topics that speak of stretching our thinking beyond the current conventions, I feel as if I’ve been given a gift of great peace. Thank you, Liara.
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters