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5 Ways to expand consciousness

Consciousness is a concept human beings initially define only in human terms. You may struggle to grasp that beliefs have potential to bridge not only degrees of awareness about physical forms, but also layers of knowledge about energy vibrations in formless dimensions you may not yet discern or accept as real. Consider 5 ways to expand consciousness;

1) Remember you arrive without ego. Physical existence is a soul exercise to learn who you are. At birth, you mentally bury lessons learned during past incarnations. Integrity or, the desire to be honest, drives the core of every soul. Yet, the voice of ego obscures truth and alters perception. One has infinite opportunities to create and resolve misunderstandings. As you adapt in mind, you effect collective intelligence.

2) Uncover truth by acting responsibly. As a human being raises awareness, inner soul comes to identify layers of self-deception. One is equipped to work through fear and obstacles falsely imagined. They anchor you artificially where you think you are. Going with the flow of energy means not interfering with the natural unfolding of creative power within oneself.

3) Discern meaning of fragmented self. A human being is never completely separate from the Source of core energy. At birth, a percentage of energy transfers to your physical form. At transition (apparent death), energy shifts to re-join the balance of energy you left behind. Energy awaiting your return has multiple, ongoing roles you attune to or sense when ready.

4) Perceive time and space as relative. Each soul fragments from a singular energy Source that divides to enable different levels of existence and expansion. Each soul fragment has equal intelligence and capacity to detach and recombine. Yet, the complex nature of soul memory and knowledge differ at conscious, subconscious and other conscious levels. Knowledge is accessible as one is ready to accept and apply progressive degrees of truth.

5) Grow more conscious of parallel dimensions. Diverse levels of soul training reveal possibilities of learning things like bi-location in one realm and conscious splitting of energy into others. This brings to light reality of multiple, simultaneous incarnations. Its possible to separate one's soul energy to guide souls in physical worlds and also to function on other planes. To transcend negative energy empowers unimaginable, simultaneous functions that human beings are not all psychologically ready to accept.

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Reader Comments (11)

1) I came to that realization too several years back about effecting collective consciousness through relaxing the mind and body. If I were to dissolve tension in my self without ever seeing another person physically again, I would still be releasing massive tension throughout the world of which I am connected to in an unconscious manner. I would notice this in my dreams. As I would release tension in my body by forgiving people in my past, I would sometimes see them in my dreams flying since we have set each other free. They in turn would have more energy to allocate to the present moment and could then forgive themselves and their relationships with others, thereby releasing yet more tension in the world. And this would in essence be a domino or butterfly effect spanning the universe.

2) The human form is a self deception. :)

3)The potential exists for parallel lives and living in more than one body.

4) Every character in my mind is an aspect of me. We can all work together with a combined strength, power, and point of view.

5) Negative Energy is like handcuffs that keep us from our ultimate potential or destiny. It fragments the mind and doesn't allow us to see behind our self made walls.
April 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNatural Moments
Natural Moments,
1) Whether or not you consciously relax mind and body, your thoughts and feelings constantly impact the state of collective consciousness. Awareness is another matter.

2) Form is temporary and balanced by formless or unseen realms. You constantly redefine how you prop up your mental view of physical illusions. Humans rationalize until they realize all manifest form is illusion.

3) Believing or doubting differs greatly from accessing deep, inner knowing and actually feeling or doing.

4) Every creature or thing you encounter in physical worlds is a mirror of character traits and qualities you imagine.

5) As one evolves to dissolve and transcend negative energy, other worlds present and what you thought existed no longer matters and suddenly disappears.
April 4, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara,

Thanks for the great posting here... You mentioned, "Every creature or thing you encounter in physical worlds is a mirror of character traits and qualities you imagine." I was just wondering if you could give an example of this--it is an interesting way of thinking about the issue!
April 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrian
Hi Liara,
I am beginning to experience the last two things you mentioned. I have actually gone back and seen myself as a child and I got the feeling that my childhood was actually happening right now. And that I can change it by supporting myself as a child. Also, I have had no experience with this yet (that I know of) but I get the distinct impression that humans are capable of actually changing their DNA and that some genetic abnormalities present at birth can be healed by this process.
April 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterE. Michelle
I welcome this, greatly. Thank you, Liara. ...and you, Bernie, for your thoughts as well.
April 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJulie
Brian, your comments are always welcomed. To elaborate, your emotional responses to people, events and experiences all offer clues to which lessons you are prepared to learn. People and creatures you sense you lose often enter your life to assist you to get through tough periods. People who do not appear to accept you as you are reflect you do not completely affect yourself. Blessings come in unexpected forms and also in formless presence.
April 5, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
E. Michelle, Shape-shifting is ongoing in every energy being. Every moment, every cell and energy particle is autonomously thinking and altering levels of awareness. Energy vibrations within your conscious radar change. The human mind deliberately fragments experience in terms of perceived time and limited space in order to grasp and learn from small portions of energy activities. Past life regression can be self-induced much like other kinds of hypnosis. As mind opens, you slowly gain access to deeper levels of consciousness. To move to transcend fear completely is to be willing to open to full transparency. This is a state of unconditional love and self-acceptance. At soul level, you grasp uiversal interconnectedness now.
April 5, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Julie, soul evolution is complementry. As a soul awakens to new levels and degrees of reality, that soul helps other souls to evolve and observe varied life conditions as part of a process of hidden expansion. Souls may be attracted to geographical locations experienced during previous incarnations. Souls are also attracted to the energy vibrations of souls of kindred spirits. Part of you senses you know a place or a sister soul that could only have occured in relative time. To empower others to remember is also to empower self awakening.
April 5, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Expanding consciousness is key. Thank you for sharing this!
April 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterC. Om
C.Om, soul consciousness is ever-expanding. Energy beings have infinite options to raise self-awareness and reconnect to Source. Regardless of what you believe or think you know already at a conscious level, reality is something else. Opening the senses brings you closer to remembering and re-experiencing what is.
April 5, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Thanks, Liara, as are yours! :) Indeed, teachers and lessons are always to be found in mysterious and unexpected places...
April 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrian

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