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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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4 Ways to find harmony

When something feels wrong in life as you perceive it or, when part of you feels confused, you have choices. As you believe some kind of balance is lost, you can stay as you are or, take steps to address disharmony. The nature of your awareness determines to what degree you feel life has been turned upside down and what you choose to do about it at this moment.  COnsider 4 ways to find harmony;

Start or expand a spiritual journey. Human beings regain ability to tap into a wealth of knowledge as they learn to ask the right questions. People use as little as 20% of brainpower while incarnated on Earth. A spiritual journey reintroduces people to use mind to greater capacity. Full access to the spirit mind means everything is grasped instantly. Love is viewed as the full truth of creation without fear or negativity. One slowly dissolves beliefs to return to this core state.

Realize balance is inherent in your being.  Disturbance may emerge in any dimension of experience, any area of your life.  It can seem physical, emotional, mental, energetic or other.  Whether the disturbance is subtle or more substantial, a process exists to shift attention and vibration to what is. 

Remind self what joy feels like.  Find the immeasurable experiences of love, compassion and equanimity inside.  Choose experiences that bring natural positive feelings into awareness.  The feeling you already know does not depend on wha activities you engage in at a given moment.  You are simply reactivating an innate capacity fo joy that is triggered each time you encounter a situation that supports it. 

Stop pressuring the self.  Harmony is linked to freedom.  When you do not feel forced to do something, it is easier to discern the flow of energy within and do what comes naturally. To be incarnated as a physical being is to absorb conditioning about what you are not, and to come to believe this is what you are. Any pressure you feel is experienced with your consent.

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Reader Comments (12)

Many people believe that to know more means to study harder and insert more facts into the brain. As usual, this is backwards towards achieving spiritual harmony.

By gathering and compartmentalizing more information in the mind, more blocks and walls are created, causing the mind to become more narrow and contracted. One may learn to tell a good story, but then one gets lost in such a story and may find it hard to lose the limiting knowledge that has been gained. In this case, the knowledge acts as blinders to a whole spectrum of other equally vaild perspectives.

One paradoxically begins to see more by attaching to less. In a spiritual journey one begins to unlearn what has been learned. And by detaching restricting facts that we believe to be difinitive, we open the mind to receive more of everything else. Instead of the mind being fragmented into specific regions, it begins to open up to itself and the brain begins to activate its self on new operating levels. Its as if the operating system has been upgraded to allow for a full range of energy, instead of a selective and narrow range of frequencies and energy bites. And by opening the free range pastures of the mind, one's heart and entire body begins to open up correspondingly.

By overcoming disturbances and obstacles, one learns to breath in the universe more deeply. The breathing or drawing in of air and energy becomes fuller to include and to bring together everything. Every internal cell and every external neighbor becomes new partners in our reintegration back to a higher sense of being. The co-product to reingaging one's energetic community is joy and contentment, where each participant is operating at maximum capacity. Everyone and everything truly loves performing their intended vocations without any restrictions. A state of Harmony is achieved in relationship to everything else.
April 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBernie
Bernie, as you imply, reading can make life seem increasingly complicated. To bombard the mind with details can overload its mental circuitry. Too much information can be mistaken for noise that prevents you from reconnecting to what you know. Many human beings are unaware how often they request assistance from the Other Side, that is, from beings in non-physical dimensions. To be aware that you take astral trips and communicate with guides, is to realize you are learning to manage earthly challenges more easily. It is not necessary to understand everything you do to create harmony. What matters is that you do and gain valuable wisdom. Each human being is empowered to realize harmony is created at will, when you choose. Whenever a person wishes to detach from sources of anxiety, find lasting resolution, harmony and levels of healing are but a thought away.
April 26, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
For me this all goes back to why I want to start meditating on a regular basis. Thanks for this great list.
Hi Liara .. I don't usually worry as such .. but this week ahead makes me apprehensive .. but I'll be as balanced as I can be .. stay focused on my own things .. while responding to my mother's needs .. I'll do my best to keep harmony in my soul.

All the best - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
April 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Stacey, meditation is a very effecitive way to get in touch with deeper sides of the inner self. You come to realize that how you handle what is happening at a given moment is a learning curve. The events themselves are not important. The feelings you notice or disregard are always useful teachers. To mediate on experiences during this lifetime reveals how far you have come already.
April 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara. I meditated this morning for 10 minutes. It seemed like a lifetime for the first 5 as my mind was busy. It was difficult to "settle". The first 5 minutes felt like 15. The last 5 minutes felt like 1. Interesting.

The last point you made about stop pressuring yourself is a big one for me. Makes me think that while I was settling in to this meditation, my mind was just stuck on auto pilot... idling like a car. There wasn't really resistance to the meditation.
April 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavina
Hi Liara,

If I ever get to a point where I have to remind myself of what joy feels like then I am working too hard (although working brings it's own joy.)

This is a vital component to being happy and working through existence.
April 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Hi Liara. This ties in nicely with a Fear Of Failure article I just Googled. There is no failure, just a way to see what our mistake was, why it happened, how it could have been prevented and how to do it better next time.
April 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, the perspective you share encourages readers to view every experience as meaningful rather than to judge it as necessarily good or bad. Through deconditioning, habits essentially drop away. Human beings are creatures who never stop learning, whatever form they take or place they find themselves. It is also reassurng to sense that some force beyond you is constantly sending, love, hope and other positive energy to help you over hurdles.
April 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Alexys, as human beings evolve, they remember and grasp how happiness is a constant state that exists beneath whatever energy bursts capture your attention at a given moment. In this sense, part of you never forgets feelings of joy. This is all it knows. Other parts of the mind have amore selective memory. This explains why a process of awakening is unfolding in many people. Every energy being is at a very personal stage in a process which is connected to sense of collective joy in the bigger picture.
April 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Davina, quieting the mind is a kind of discipline that is accessible to everyone. Like any lesson, it requires experience to sink in. When something feels right, acceptable, just or appropriate to you, then it this is soul echoing you are in the place you are meant to be now. To learn to put your mind in a beautiful place is an uplifting spiritual ritual. Unforeseen benefits are immeasurable.
April 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara. Thank you for your reply. I will be practicing this again as the new day begins. I feel less resistant to the resistance. Cheers.
April 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavina

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