4 Ways to find harmony
Sunday, April 26, 2009 at 7:05AM
Liara Covert in Consciousness

When something feels wrong in life as you perceive it or, when part of you feels confused, you have choices. As you believe some kind of balance is lost, you can stay as you are or, take steps to address disharmony. The nature of your awareness determines to what degree you feel life has been turned upside down and what you choose to do about it at this moment.  COnsider 4 ways to find harmony;

Start or expand a spiritual journey. Human beings regain ability to tap into a wealth of knowledge as they learn to ask the right questions. People use as little as 20% of brainpower while incarnated on Earth. A spiritual journey reintroduces people to use mind to greater capacity. Full access to the spirit mind means everything is grasped instantly. Love is viewed as the full truth of creation without fear or negativity. One slowly dissolves beliefs to return to this core state.

Realize balance is inherent in your being.  Disturbance may emerge in any dimension of experience, any area of your life.  It can seem physical, emotional, mental, energetic or other.  Whether the disturbance is subtle or more substantial, a process exists to shift attention and vibration to what is. 

Remind self what joy feels like.  Find the immeasurable experiences of love, compassion and equanimity inside.  Choose experiences that bring natural positive feelings into awareness.  The feeling you already know does not depend on wha activities you engage in at a given moment.  You are simply reactivating an innate capacity fo joy that is triggered each time you encounter a situation that supports it. 

Stop pressuring the self.  Harmony is linked to freedom.  When you do not feel forced to do something, it is easier to discern the flow of energy within and do what comes naturally. To be incarnated as a physical being is to absorb conditioning about what you are not, and to come to believe this is what you are. Any pressure you feel is experienced with your consent.

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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