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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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10 Ways to respect every moment

To persevere under trial is to realize you are required to stand various tests in this lifetime. Call them what you will. They arise without warning. These events are not required to make sense to your human mind. Begin teaching yourself to look beyond what you have been conditioned to see.

At times, you feel treated unjustly for no obvious reason. You may feel confused to be singled out. In truth, everyone is chosen yet, interprets a calling differently.  Each experience teaches you a new level of respect for self, for authority and for higher awareness that trials themselves trigger in the soul. Consider 10 ways to respect every moment you are given;

1) Do what is right. This does not mean related choices have no cost or consequences.

2) Nurture a loving attitude. This enables you to gain wisdom from reasons for discomfort and disappointment.

3) Believe for the best. Higher forces have the power to turn any situation around, at their pace.

4) Trust in the unseen. You may not see a way out of a predicament. This is just limited vision. You are not yet conscious of all that is.

5) Sustain faith. Such mental energy gets you through anything. Setbacks catapult you ahead.

6) Support the hurting. A human being truly lives when he does deeds that cannot be repaid.

7) Express the truth. Sooner or later, dishonesty catches up with anyone who follows this path.

8) Open your heart. Take steps to encourage others and inspire them to create fresh attitudes.

9) Rise above deception. Thoughts and feelings of worry, inadequacy or insecurity are not you.

10) Honour your true self. To raise awareness helps rediscover who you are and why you exist.

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Reader Comments (22)

Hi Liara,
It didn't take me long to decide to check out 10 ways to respect every moment, it's a reminder I tend to give myself daily, upon waking up.

Very thought provoking points. I have to agree, 'we are who we think we are', normally when the negative feelings are taking over, there go(es) the rest of the day(s). No matter what circumstances we're in, although we can't control it, but we need to see the good out of it. In my opinion, everything happens for a reason, and I respect that.

Thank you for your thoughtful comment on my blog. It really got me thinking before I start off today. Spread a little kindness and love, yes, that should always be a must-do in my list. Take care. ^^

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April 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChing Ya
Ching Ya, as a human being learns to step back and truly grasp the physical world as a place of learning, then that being is willing to take steps to learn and share learning in loving ways. This entails showing compassion as a reflex, without having to think. Each person has free will and innate capacity to shift focus and dissolve drama.
April 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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