Patrick Geryl & World Cataclysm 2012

There comes a point where you are invited to come to terms with what is real and what is not. Many people are afraid of what they fear or do not understand. Patrick Geryl offers a perspective about 2012 that does not resonate with everyone. Some people accept a watered down version of the truth and other people are ready to take responsibility for information that is flowing through them. How do you respond to this information? What do you view as reality or illusion? Watch this interview with Project Camelot or even a piece of it to gain a prelimiary impression. Share what you feel and be very honest.
Reader Comments (6)
There's a reason we have that ever-popular phrase "hindsight is 20/20"!
Thanks for sharing this.
Also, at the same time, the masculine energy has outweighed the feminine energy for a long time, and perhaps by design. Now perhaps the slates will be wiped clean for the feminine powers to rise up in Nature for self expression.
But the above polarization implies duality. If perhaps fully intentioned by a dream collective, the polarity will be short circuited sloughing off the weight of negativity accumulated in the third dimension allowing for energy to rise beyond duality to higher dimensional experiences.
But no matter what happens or is happening, it is one's personal choice to be swept up by any chaos or ongoing change. What ever we are attached to will take us for a ride. Detach from any outcome and it doesn't matter where the world takes us. It will always continue to be an experience beyond the perceptions of good or bad. If one feels the need to hold on to life or death, then that too will sweep them away to appropriate outcomes. Allow whatever to be, and you continue to exist as desired.
Also, the future is malleable. Hold in your Heart your dream of what is to come and the earth stears in that direction. Belief has great power.
Honestly :)
love & namaste
As human beings have free will and oscillate between love and fear, they are beginning to grasp the timeless and deathless realm of the void. To dwell there even briefly is to reconnect with true nature of 'I am' consciousness. This higher awareness taps into universal knowing and is unfazed by external events. Emotions arise in the mind. Soul energy and inner sight exist beyond the problem-making dysfunction of mind. Nothing truly happens ever.