Find good where you are

Many people tend to voice negative feelings, to take energy and package it in ways that echo what they do not want to feel. Perhaps you do this. Perhaps you ask how to find good where you are. Its never too late to shift your perspective.
1) Decide to find advantages in every experience.
2) Choose to drop the negative spin on things.
3) Decide you no longer choose to suffer.
4) Realize you need not perpetuate every pattern.
5) Know you are more than apparent conditioning.
6) Accept that you can shift behaviour by choice.
Reader Comments (4)
Experiences can be looked at as negative, positive, or netural. To get to the Neutral position, it is easiest to first flip a negative situation into a positive situation. For instance if one is sick, one can choose to sink into sickness, or one can say, thank you sickness, you are showing me that I am on the wrong path. It is an indicator to change one's environment, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional.
Any event can be looked at from infinite angles. Knowing that everything is relative, where do you want to live in the universe. Do you choose to continue to live in a negative state when there are other options. Know that any position can be turned around or can be dissolved all together.
People tend to suffer when they give up their own personal power to control or direct their own lives. Gather up your will and move in the direction of your choosing. Reclaim your Soul that you have scattered like bread crumbs into the past.