What do you misunderstand?

Misunderstanding is grounded in doubt and fear. People self-question when they disbelieve the heart, senses or, energy vibrations of intuition. You may recall moments when life experience is not clear, or when you are aware you do not grasp things about your self-perception, emotions or being.
Those individuals who express themselves from a perspective of 'no-mind' are often misunderstood by people who interpret words based on logic or a conditioned mind. What if you take words out of context? Everything presented in a given context may not apply to another context. What does this teach you?
Some people feel their way beyond the logical mind, beyond apparent contradiction, to experience something else. No moment is exactly like another. No sensation or encounter has exactly the same significance to your heart and mind.
You exist now in a state of transition and transformation quite impossible to describe. No objective, subjective or other way puts this in words. Syllables do not express the full truth you know or feel. As you raise awareness, choose to recognize and transcend limitations, you are never alone. That is the truth.
Reader Comments (10)
Do you mean that things just happen...that language creates realities and truths, that depend on the contexts and creative order of the individual?
Therefore, this zone becomes our area of reasoning where we develop our sense of logic. What is reasonable is based on the knowledge in our heads. Anything outside this database becomes irrational and misunderstood. The moment becomes misunderstood because it is being related to in context to the rational, in which we compare and contrast life with. If we empty this database and move beyond it, one finds that Nothing is no longer a misunderstanding. It just IS as it IS. We feel directly then the vibration that is before us instead of comparing it or judging it to the hostages in the head. Since our personal vibration changes from moment to moment as energy fields intermingle, then we and everyone else around us gets a different view of the object that we are dancing with. Therefore, new stories are being told.
We are meant to read the Moment, and each of us are therefore unique because we each can create something different when reading a particular Moment. We can not lock it into place. If one does, like what is happening within the societies of earth, they shall explode due to the accumulating pressures and friction caused by not letting go to something that is always moving and changing.
There is a comfort in knowing that we are never alone, or without an upper hand guiding us. This universal truth tucks us in at night and wakes up in the morning.
Also, I do always try to capture my moments in words- usually only o few aspects of my experience at a time however.
I never do feel alone, tho Humanly solo.