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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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How can you be sure you are loved?

When was the last time you knew something beyond you was helping you? When was the last time you had enough faith to suspend beliefs? How do you pour out feelings of gratitude?

While on route to the hospital to visit a cherished inpatient, I used a parking card to get through an electronic gate. It was dark, rainy and I dropped the card. I got out of the car to pick it up, got back in, went to park, and did not think much of it.  Then, while the car was parked, my banana mysteriously dropped out of my purse.  Initially I did not see where it went.  You might say this is not so strange, or even, so what?

Yet what if I told you that misplaced banana appeared in an unlikely place, and prompted me to walk back in the rain to precisely where my glove had dropped? What if I told you that I felt guided to where that cherished inpatient had been moved? What if I told you this person had been mumbling to me in a different voice during sleep earlier that day and it resonated.  Some people may believe I am going bananas.  I beg to differ. 

About a week ago, my car swerved in a storm toward the ditch.  Miraculously, the car swerved right back onto the road, going against what I presumed were laws of physical nature.  I sensed it was not yet my time to go.  I voiced aloud how grateful I was to still be present and alive to assist someone through the next stages of her illness.  We each sense truth without needing to explain.  We make silent, unconscious choices based on love.

The soul experiences impressions that remind people they will have eternal life. You might even infer  more than one path exists to a mystical experience.  When you are willing to acknowledge the unexplained, you breath life into possibilities and make them real. You confirm you know you are loved.

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Reader Comments (4)

Hi Liara,
Once again, I love the title of your post. We get so many signs and we don't pay attention, but the symbols are in our waking life as they are in our dream life. These "waking dreams" are often pearls of wisdom that may not make logical sense to us, but they make spiritual sense. When we realize that we are in perpetual dreaming, we will know that God puts us where we need to be.
January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Alexys, what you say about dreams is so appropriate. Human beings are experiencing different stages of awakening to love. This concept is not simply what the media tells us it is. Love is something that resonates within and around us constantly, but people are not always allowing themselves to feel and absorb. Many things prevent people from choosing to experience love in its diverse forms. Even if life in the physical world has not always seemed fair to you, you still have infinite opportunities to shift your awareness, your mindset, your perception and your wakefulness to sources of happiness.
January 15, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Oh! This is so wonderful to experience a more intimate part of you. It give us, the reader, more sense of you and your life. Just delightful...something that could be anyone of us. I SO enjoyed this. I read through it eagerly. Interestingly I felt like you were ME. or I was YOU. :) :) I have been through this SAME sequence of events (maybe different objects -- a dropped piece of paper picked up conscientiously, leading to finding my dropped keys right next to the paper). I always give thanks and blessings for these miracles and feel I'm being watched over and guided. Sometimes I have a strong sense of who is guiding me, other times just a strong sense of being watched over. But regardless, I ALWAYS give thanks because I find it makes these incidents more prominent in my awareness. I also believe that giving thanks fuels their occurrence. This was a fun read. Oh, those little things that aren't so little...and a reminder of gifts.
January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRobin Easton
Robin, discipline is supposed to be a means of spiritual evolution. When a person is not thinking about evolving and learning, that is precisely when the changes are unfolding and being experienced. This is when you are "in the moment." We are never completely deceived by our senses. That is, we see the hollowness of denial, disbelief and scepticism as they spark and try to take control. Consciously, some disbelievers cling to their resistence. And yet, deep down every being knows that he is loved. Every experience is priceless for the lessons it offers. It is a matter of deciding what you do not always explain or grasp can be trusted. You already do so with your life.
January 15, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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