When was the last time you knew something beyond you was helping you? When was the last time you had enough faith to suspend beliefs? How do you pour out feelings of gratitude?
While on route to the hospital to visit a cherished inpatient, I used a parking card to get through an electronic gate. It was dark, rainy and I dropped the card. I got out of the car to pick it up, got back in, went to park, and did not think much of it. Then, while the car was parked, my banana mysteriously dropped out of my purse. Initially I did not see where it went. You might say this is not so strange, or even, so what?
Yet what if I told you that misplaced banana appeared in an unlikely place, and prompted me to walk back in the rain to precisely where my glove had dropped? What if I told you that I felt guided to where that cherished inpatient had been moved? What if I told you this person had been mumbling to me in a different voice during sleep earlier that day and it resonated. Some people may believe I am going bananas. I beg to differ.
About a week ago, my car swerved in a storm toward the ditch. Miraculously, the car swerved right back onto the road, going against what I presumed were laws of physical nature. I sensed it was not yet my time to go. I voiced aloud how grateful I was to still be present and alive to assist someone through the next stages of her illness. We each sense truth without needing to explain. We make silent, unconscious choices based on love.
The soul experiences impressions that remind people they will have eternal life. You might even infer more than one path exists to a mystical experience. When you are willing to acknowledge the unexplained, you breath life into possibilities and make them real. You confirm you know you are loved.