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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Choose to believe that you can

Whatever stage you perceive to be in at this moment, you are playing a waiting game. You may be waiting for a dream to become clearer, or wondering about a lack of desirable results.

Your brain has been telling you to move forward, but doubt and fear keep getting in the way. Why not choose to believe that you can do whatever drives you? What would this require?

1)Stop doing what you have always done. Your day-to-day movements and activities have gotten you to where you are.  Yet your current mindset also keeps you there.  As you recognize how you think and words you use do not serve you, you realize you must alter behaviour to get different results. 

2) See through the naysayers. When people question your plans, this is their fear and your fear talking.  Your choices would not be their choices. That is a given. They are not you. Success is a state of mind that you create. If you do not choose to believe in yourself, then why would anyone else?

3) Observe your present state of awareness.  Part of you assumes things could be different or will get better. Part of you chooses to believe you have to be where you are. The real issue is how you perceive where you are, and how you grow to transform how and what you see.

4) Realize you are not rubbing your eyes in disbelief.  When you are willing and consciously able to own your dream, you will begin to realize everything about your life is your own creation.  This tells you that you are responsible for what is happening.  You are discerning the sensation of freedom, that what you live is a life you create.  The possibilities are endless.

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Reader Comments (16)

Belief in ourselves, and in our abillity to really do what we want to - this is powerful Liara! Doubt, fear, uncertainty - they do get in th way of us letting our dreams really become real. This is a great reminder for me - the idea of being consious of what those dreams are and what the mean to me.
January 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLance
excellent and most uplifting


ps: I've got some posts I need to read from your blog Liara. I've just got in from the flight from Glasgow and I'm off to church (don't I sound Holy:).

I'll visit when I get in tonight
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
It seems to me that it helps to think in positive terms but that this isn't a magic bullet either. Otherwise, it would never happen that a positive minded and well intentioned person failed at a task.

And if positive, well-intentioned people never failed to realize their dreams, this would be a very different world. As just a single, prominent example, consider MLK. At the time he was gunned down in 1968 at the age of 39, he was just turning back to the issue of poverty. This had been his own main focus to begin with, despite his prominence in the civil rights movement.

His failure to address poverty is pretty hard to attribute to negativity on his part. It was the negativity of the person behind the gun barrel.

So as usual, I agree with almost everything you say here - with the exception that it seems to me that you insert some lines that to me overstate it, as in "everything about your life is your own creation. This tells you that you are responsible for what is happening...” Not entirely…
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Maurice Martin
Lance, the nature of a person's persistence determines whether that person will keep working at something. As you shift your focus to question the reasons for your existence, and you are completely honest, then you evolve closer to view and experience yourself as you are.
January 12, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
My Dear Liara,
Its this constant inspiration and belief in our own potential and inner ability that drives us to realise all that we want to. So often, its this strong fear of failing along with our same thought and behavioural pattern that restricts us to think beyond our set moulds..Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful post!

I am truly humbled and delighted to know you Liara...And your blog is a marvel :)Also, thank you so much for your kind comments on my little blog :)
Would sure visit you very often. Sending you my heartfelt love and prayers dear one..God bless you :)
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKrishna.n.c
henry, to realize you are not what you seem means you are already in the process of refuting your unfounded beliefs. You are slowly separating from incorrect conclusions about your own abilities and potential. As you notice and pinpoint your own fear, you begin to realize other possibilities. What you thought was you or yours does not exist. You are just beginning to realize what is truly there.
January 12, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Paul Maurice, your specific example enriches this post. It adds a layer of meaningful detail and also invites more clarification. Your comments are always valuable.

Human beings resist accepting complete responsibility for what seems to be happening in their lives. Why? They are conditioned to believe other people or forces are in control. Part of a human feels more comfortable in the role of victim because then accountability is not an issue.

Yet as you raise your own awareness, you begin to realize there are deeper things going on that what you detect on the surface. What people believe is going on is only what they choose to belive is happening at a given moment. What each person chooses to get out of their physical conditions, whether or not they choose to grow, learn lessons and share what they learn, is directly proportional to their inner perspective, feelings and self-acceptance.

Consider Stephen Hawking. He is a theroetical physicist whose life changed dramatically as his health deteriorated. Although he suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), he has continued a scientific career which has spanned 40 years. He has continued to be a university professor, become a best-selling author and developed mathermatical and cosmic theories, and all from the position of a wheelchair using a computer to help him write and speak. Some people would consider him "handicapped" while other people see through his physical appearance to the love and incredible wisdom in his soul.
January 12, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
krishna n.c., you help readers realize that they can always learn to harness energy differently within themselves. The mind has been trained to withdraw, to fear or doubt, and it can also be disciplined to switch focus. We reset or reprogram at will and can evolve to do so with more deliberate intent. How we use the imagination matters.
January 12, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Thank you for your comment .I wonder what prompted you to leave it ? Was it just nostalgia ? Have looked at your blog and will look further. What I have seen I find truly inspirational.
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbarbarablundell
Barbara, each person is slowly learning to redefine the meaning of "distraction" in life. You direct energy in ways you feel are important and meaningful and reduce the energy you direct elsewhere. This is a personal process that only makes sense to you because of your insight.
January 12, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Thanks, and yes, SH shows how a positive attitude helps. But it's no guarantee. Clearly MLK's thoughts weren't responsible for his getting shot and failing to realize his goals on poverty. People with positive attitudes get in accidents or get sick and die every day.

There's more to life than a person's own thoughts. There's stuff like falling objects, scrambled genes and the actions of other people and their effects on us.

The Palestinians haven't been doing so well the last half century. To believe it's because most Palestinians don't have positive enough attitudes is to overlook hugely obvious factors in their politcal, social and economic environment.
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Maurice Martin
Paul Maurice, a guarantee is an assurance of a particular outcome. Through life experience, people's perception and perspectives change. That is, you can begin a project or an undertaking with the hope of a particular outcome, then, during the experience, alter your vision of desired outcome. Desired results or goals are not static and unchanging. They evolve as people evolve. Each human being can hope to do the best he can, whatever that means, in a given set of changing conditions.

The Dalai Lama said, "the history of humanity is, in some respects, the history of man's understanding." As he put it, events like conflict, examples of technological progress, all reflect positive and negative thoughts of mankind as a collective. If you expand on this, then you may believe great thinkers, inspirations, inventors, leaders and individuals who have done what is widely viewed as 'good,' reflect positive thinking. Similarly, individuals linked to tragedy, tyranny, oppression or genocide are viewed to reflect negative thinking. The general idea is that each person has power to contribute to love and peace or the occurrence of negative thinking. Every moment, we are each generating energy vibrations. How you choose to think contributes to the bigger picture.
January 12, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Excellent points which we should all be aware of. Beware of the naysayers is huge, we often build ourselves on the opinions of others, which means that we are building on their fears and insecurities.
January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark
I agree that your thoughts matter. However, too many events in day-to-day life and on the world stage show that positive thoughts don't guarantee positive outcomes. I wasn't conceiving postive outcomes as static - people's dreams change through life. But bad things do happen to good ("positive") people every day. A positive state of mind is a good in itself and it makes positive outcomes more likely. Yet, if you phrase this too strongly, it sounds like a belief that anytime anything bad happens to someone it must be because of their negative thinking.
January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Maurice Martin
Mark, many options exist to help people end different levels of self-deception. If you believe that individuals accumulate karma, then you may also believe a person becomes dependent on six aspects of perceived reality; earth (hard substances of the body), water (fluid), fire (heat) wind (energy movement), space (hollow places in the body) and consciousness. Through the process of learning why you falsely discriminate what is and is not you, you gain new insight into what you assume you can and cannot do. You come to realize you evolve into what you believe. As Henry Ford said, "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. " That is, you are exactly what you believe, no more, no less.
January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
Paul Maurice, your points are always meaningful. If you take the view that outcomes are like experience with no color or flavor, then you may concede positive or negative perception is a judgment you add. Events are colorless, odorless, and meaningless, until a person decides to interpret them. The nature of your energy takes form in your thoughts and feelings. When people permit emotions to define their experience, then they forget something significant. That is, to grow to understand your nature is what teaches you how you imagine your limitations. Positive or negative thinking distract you from what you sense beneath all phenomena. In another way, what you perceive as "good" or "bad" around you does not relate to what you are describing, but the degree to which you accept or reject yourself and how happy or angry you are.
January 13, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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