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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Barbara Ann Brennan & 3 Tips to get your bearings

Barbara Ann Brennan is a healing scientist with a unique approach to applying higher sense perception (HSP).  She has evolved to perceive human energy fields as well as energy fields above normal ranges for human perception.   You might ask how she uses it. 

I greatly respect her teaching and shared experience in many books such as, "Light Emerging (The Journey of Personal Healing)" and "Hands of Light (A Guide to Healing Through the Energy Field)."  She has worked for NASA, runs a unique, accredited educational institute of healing science, and also teaches around the world.

Among her reflections, she explores different approaches to healing and her  own life lessons.  Since human beings are constantly changing, Brennan encourages us to learn to attune to ourselves, gain different insights from feelings, and explore altered states of consciousness.  No matter where you are on your path, use 3 tips to get your bearings;

1) Let fear be your ally--you can evolve to discern this is one reaction you express if you sense  feelings flowing too fast.

2) Alter your sense of self-- decide to focus more on inner values than outer goals.  The cause of any issue is accessible.

3) Gain greater respect for inner knowing--your current situation tells you exactly what you need to know now.  Just listen.

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Reader Comments (2)

This author sounds fascinating Liara!

I have experimented with energy healing myself, but never gave it enough focus. It is something I hope to put a little more practice into as I continue to grow and evolve, that and reading or at least seeing auras.
September 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEvita
Evita, Barbara Brennan's writing on energy healing is indeed very detailed. It offers a glimpse into her own journey as well as offers practical tools about how human beings can develop and apply their energies.To gain insight into the life stories of others enables you to insight into yourself. Where you choose to go from their is completely up to you.
September 14, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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