Rediscover who you are

You may not realize it, but your views on consciousness are shaped by everything that contributes to your beliefs. This includes the community in which you live, the people you know and have known, as well as your perception of whatever happens around you. How aware are you of your true self?
As you reflect, you may interpret your dreams based on how people react and judge. For example, Western cultures promote and value physical objects. This means, in some settings, productivity is measured by output other people can see and use. Some people believe if you have nothing to show for what you do, or if you aren’t like them, then, you must be lazy, or not contributing or working in meaningful ways. If you sense people are judging your choices, you also judge yourself.
In other cultures, the value you offer as a human being is not necessarily quantifiable. In this view, your identity and self-worth aren’t measured based on what you do, incomes you generate or how similar your choices resemble those of other people. In this view, you can daydream, meditate, explore creative abilities and work on your inner self in ways that promote self-growth. Such initiatives are respected for the effort. Activities aren’t judged as good or bad based on what is visible or accessible to other people. Passive, intuitive gestures can be valued for what they are.
What if you became aware that your choices emerge out of fear-based beliefs? What if you began to realize that what you do may relate to your fear of rejection, guilt that someone may not approve or, fear you may not “fit in?” What if you tolerate the life you lead for reasons other than your own?
As you look back, you may have been conditioned to behave as you do because people around you did. For instance, to be aggressive, competitive, obscene or confrontational may have ‘worked’ for other people. They may measure self-worth in terms of power, certain results and qualities that reinforce their beliefs about what is valuable. So, why would similar behaviour not work for you?
No matter who you are, you can always learn meaningful things about yourself from other people. If you behave as you do simply because people do, then you have not yet exerted efforts to get-to-know yourself. Is that because of a lack of courage? Only by following your own journey can you discover “what fits” for you. This can be described as those things that enable you to feel good.
Now, you may arrive at a point where you’re unsure what it means to feel ‘good’ separate from what other people tell you should feel good. Each revelation you experience is a milestone worth celebrating. To become aware that even some of your choices aren’t your own is another step toward discovering who you are.
Reader Comments (8)
This is an incredibly powerful post. We are creature of our self perception. Our self worth is nothing more than what we assign in our own mind. Good news is that we have absolute power to change our worth at any time we desire to do so.
If we, as human beings, feel victimized and constricted by conditions, we create these feelings. We also permit negative energy to blind up from seeing what we can really do. We always have power to transform our ideas into reality. Its a matter of faith in self.