Dream your way to infinite gateways

What would you say if you realized training yourself to recall night dreams strengthens your conscious memory? What if you discovered that the more control you develop over your astral body, the more control you would sense over the dream of your waking life?
Its all about discipline and learning to control your attention. Your energy (astral) body is always with you. It leaves and returns to your physical body at will, day or night, but remains attached by an invisible, etheral cord. This energy body survives the death of the physical body and it senses experiences the physical body doesn't, even now.
You may ask, 'how does the astral body know what to do?' It exists and functions without your knowledge until you are ready and willing to learn. Its astonishing to discover you can do things you have consciously conditioned yourself to believe you can't. Its unnecessary to grasp the how you do everything. You discern what you need as you go.
Gateways are like energetic challenges you must face in the astral dimensions in order to progress. Some human beings make an analogy with levels of complexity of electronic video games. You acquire tools you need to reach each gate and pass through when ready. The number of gates you will encounter is less relevant that the mental process you develop to build personal power. You always have choices. Which ones will you take?
Reader Comments (4)
I choose to open the next Gateway and "discern what I need as I go":-)
Best wishes,
-Liane Schmidt