Sort out what matters most

If you've ever felt confused about the nature of success in your life, then you would benefit from sorting out what matters most. Life experience teaches you that some of your most meaningful changes are difficult to measure. Yet, you discern they can be experienced. It is life experience which clarifies your values when you are ready to see.
Success need not be defined by words like, "physical," "material," "spiritual" or "metaphysical." Experience has a voice and language of its own that is profoundly useful, even healing. It is all about a journey of learning to listen to your inner voice and modes of communication not easily explained to anyone who hasn't sensed something similar.
A sense of progress will emerge as you grasp that you already work on a deeper level of intuition than you realize. Its not about somewhere you're not, or doing something you're not doing. Its about deciding to experience more love and joy where you are. You possess powerful tools to transform. It begins with how you view yourself, and evolves based on how you consciously choose to channel your energy. Why hold back?
Reader Comments (2)
"Its not about somewhere you're not, or doing something you're not doing. Its about deciding to experience more love and joy where you are."
This whole post is incredible, but when I got to the lines above here I felt everything in me breathe and sigh and let go. Isn't it amazing how truth can do that? You are very gifted....and so wise.
Thank you from my heart,
I'm grateful you appreciate this post. We can all evolve to learn and perceive life differently. In fact, opening ourselves wider may be a very healthy thing indeed.