Turn the page

Analysis of dream submitted by Melinda in Melbourne, Australia.
Dream- I was a child in the office of a past life regression therapist and going under hypnosis. I recalled being stabbed in the stomach with a huge knife by a man I knew before. I touched the long cut, felt blood and healed the wound. The image of this man dissolved. In an out-of body experience, I projected myself to stand next to the analyst. He was struggling to reshuffle pages in his lap. He would periodically look back at a previous page. I used telepthy to read his mind. He was in the process of healing himself.
Predomiant Emotions- fear, anxiety, discomfort, calmness, pain, wonder and hope.
Interpretation- Your conscience may be telling you that you are not acting appropriately in some area of your life. It makes sense to follow the thread back from where you are to figure out how you got there. To reflect on your situation differently may allow you to access insight from your subconscious. You may not be seeing as clearly as you desire.
It appears you may be thinking you should cut something out of your life. It won't be as big a mess as you imagine. Fear doesn't have to control you. If you have been deeply hurt in the past, that is no reason to assume the same thing will happen again.
One view is every human being is born with a core wound that needs attention. These can be identified in ways that empower individuals to work through tests which constantly arise in their day-to-day lives. In choosing to live vicariously through other people, you avoid what you need to face yourself. You're ready to view yourself and your life differently. Turn the page on the this chapter of yoru life. Explore options to heal.
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