Why does life seem to hard?

People will readily admit aspects of their lives are hard. The same people will expand on these beliefs and unknowingly hold themselves back from living a different kind of life. Does this sound like you or, anyone you know? Would you like to shift things inside you?
Life doesn't have to seem like an uphill battle. Make an effort to listen to yourself. How are you thinking right at this moment? What kinds of words are you using to describe your feelings and experiences to other people? The more you realize your action shapes your life, the more informed you will be, and the more prepared to change your thinking.
Imagine how your life will be from the moment you decide things are easy. Would you be motivated? Would you feel driven? Would impetus become unnecessary? If you're already where you need to be, does hope lose meaning or, shift to take on new significance?
One of the most shocking things to realize is you always find in life what you are looking for. That is, if you choose to find challenges, they will find you. You may choose to be stretched, to be confronted with situations you have never experienced before.
We all make conscious and unconscious choices. Everything happens exactly as it should, even if part of you is reluctant to accept you get what you asked for. Why would you hesitate to accept value in discomfort? Realize balance requires two sides to perception.
Each experience is bringing you face-to-face with hidden fears, misplaced pride and inflated self-importance. Dissolve them. You may need to taste the unknown to learn to stop manipulating or misinterpreting the world you think you know. What is it you think you are meant to learn from your hardship? What have you already gained? Is it worth it?
Reader Comments (4)
This is so true, that's why I try very hard to regulate my thoughts, especially when I am facing obstacles.