Carlos Castaneda & 3 facets of Toltec knowledge

Carlos Castaneda was apprentice to a Mexican Indian 'sorcerer' named don Juan. Under his guidance and also his disciples, Castaneda evolved to heighten his awareness and uncover unlimited courage which led him to accept total freedom. What does this mean?
Specific tutelage led Castaneda to obliterate all rational fears and consciously jump from atop a flat mountain into an abyss. Trust and tremendous discipline led to this incomprehsible act. Perceptual teachings shifted his mental states, perception and focus.
Ten years later, Castenada recollected the process of learning at different levels of awareness. His 'right side' knew don Juan as a sorcerer. Castaneda's 'left side' knew his teacher as Toltec seer and nagual who taught him to bring his mind to focus on anything with uncommon force and clarity. As such heightened awareness isn't susceptible to normal recall, it required staggering effort to recover facets of ancient knowledge:
1) Mastery of Awareness- the Toltec way reveals each human being has capacity to enlarge the perceptual field. We can evolve to where we can assess not only the external appearances, but also the essence of everything. Discerning energy assemblage points is key. You become minimally conscious of surroundings and shift total focus elsewhere.
2) Mastery of Stalking- the Toltec way explains the act of moving the assemblage point as steadily and as safely as possible. It is the method of imprinting principles at such a deep level of consciousness that human conditioning is bypassed. Natural reactions of refusing and judging suddenly appear offensive to reason.
3) Mastery of Intent- the Toltec way is learning to break the barriers of self-created perception. By intending a new position of assemblage point, and by intending to keep it fixed long enough, you will assemble another world and escape the one you knew. This shapes changes in visibility, physical, mental and other states.
Reader Comments (15)
to my humble opinion Carlos Castaneda was of the type of mysterious man. He was never a nagual as he maintained and all his stories make perfect sense if you assume that for one moment. The people whom he met let him view into a mirror. They told him lies and told him the truth in a mix that were intended to open his eyes about his own behaviour. I bet he never got that.
All the riddles he couldn't understand; his desire to be the nagual, his efforts to put everything in a system and a structure, to put everyone and everybody under his command. His misunderstanding of the meaning of women and, and, and...
Castaneda leaves us all with the same question that every mysterious man leaves his fellows. What do I want? Believe Castaneda and you follow a road of misunderstandings and half truths. Follow yourself and you find out, that all things necessary will find its way to your personal path.
Nowadays, new followers do mental gymnastics with Carlos. Sad story.
Though I have heard of this mystic I have never pursued in actaully reading anything about him. Your post has caught my attention. I would like to read more from a fresh perspective. Thank you for the info.
If someone presents you his own bag of problems without reflecting on them, you wouldn't call that a great accomplishment nor would you recommend that bag to the people you appreciate.
Regarding his apprenticeship :
Yaqi - it does not really matter if Don Juan was Yaqi or not. I believe he could be Yaqi and be sorcerer even though there is no anthropological evidence of sorcery among the Yaqis. It could be due to the secrecy of the teachings. Or Don Juan did not have to be Yaqi at all - they just pick Yaqis not to point directly to Don Juan's history.
Regarding Castaneda's so called "cult' he created:
All the speculation is based on the book of Amy Wallace. It is presumed Carlos was a womanizer. Even Don Juan was joking about it. Interesting all of these speculations appeared after his death, not during his life. I would not be surprised if Castaneda actually directed Amy to write such book after his death. And then of course there is Robert De Mille who completely denies Castaneda's books. I truly appreciate his critique - he was actually one of few who challenged Castaneda's books during his 'fame' years. However, I do not buy Robert de Mille's arguments. First of all, he is , I believe, doctor of psychology, He might be jealous of another way of looking at mind then through the eyes of psychology.(and unexplainable way). He argues about time and place entries in Castaneda's work - sorcery is so crazy that time and places might be completely distorted. Try to ask Harry Potter :-).
Also, I think Castaneda was a bad student. He just did not get it. And when Don Juan left and he was left with his seers, Carlos did not know what to do. I think he has never assumed full responsibility for what has been thought to him. As a bad student, he might also be a bad teacher and leader (nagual) leading his seers nowhere.
In recent past years, we have been witnesses to similar bad leadership in the U.S. presidency .. :-) just to give you an example. The bright side is that the Toltec's teachings have been recorded and passed. It does not matter what Castaneda did with them . What matters is what you are going to do and get out of them. The Don Juan's lineage has not been broken, it has been passed through Castaneda's books. If you have some personal power, you may continue the lineage. Live your life, live your moment - be impeccable.
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