Why explore the Tibetan healing path?

Tibetan medicine helps people to grasp the origins and cause of illness. Would you like to discern how you hold illness in your body and mind? Its within your reach to discover the profound healing system within yourself. Would you like to become your own healer?
This Tibetan view tells us the physical body is an expression of mental energies produced by the brain. The nature of mental energies changes based on how a person experiences the world and is conditioned to interpret it. So, you live based on reflections of the past.
Since your brain reacts based on your senses, your reaction is always slightly behind the event to which you react. Any sense of immediacy is an illusion. You express feelings based on the past. You touch fire, expecting to get burned (or not), then feel.
Similarly, you're conditioned to expect illness or discomfort. Hear of morning sickess? Ever watch someone fall, scrape a knee and start to cry? Read about how certain behavior brings terminal disease? Fear of any illness invites a self-fulfilling prophecy. We always influence our own unconscious patterns of karma. We can change them too.
Let's say this life is for developing abilities to make you stronger, wiser and more peaceful inside. Let's say you accept you are an energy being, that everything around you vibrates at a different frequency. Let's say how you perceive begins and ends in you.
If you adopt these views, then you begin to understand how overwhelming or unbalanced experience can take the form of physical or mental illness. Energy simply changes form. To sense this means you can retrace the origins of discomfort, then choose to stop suffering. As you change how you see yourself, you are healing your illness. You are moving beyond the illness, like a prejudice you imagine into being real.
From the Tibetan standpoint, as you discover ways to revitalize your physical body and energy, you also promote spiritual growth. How can this be? Well, to move beyond those things that held you back physically and mentally is another way to attract more good things. Your health reflects self-confidence. Illness reflects a level of worthlessness.
We each have power to transform energy we initially interpret as suffering into forms to encourage inner balance, virtue and compassion. When will you reframe your healing?
Reader Comments (4)
As we sense the presence of enlightened beings, we glimpse this field differently. When we choose to grow within, sensing the field deepens our sense of who we are.
Great post Liara!