Why shift your focus?

By focusing on gratitude, your worries begin to fade into insignificance. You realize they just conceal another worthwhile lesson to be learned. By shifting your mindset to a more positive, optimistic one, stress magically evaporates. Isn't that what you truly want?
Many people don't realize how close they are to realizing dreams. This will sound like music to your ears. You're thinking, "could I really be that close?" Why permit negative emotions like fear or self-doubt to get to you? You're always free to adopt other views.
More than anything else, you discern a deep desire to satisfy something at soul-level. You may be in the process of clarifying it. Whatever it is, it doesn't judge or punish. Its not a figment of an overactive imagination. Its an unlimited source of answers for you.
Something inside you echoes you have known throughout your life. You desire to listen, to read the signs, to do all the things that justify leaving what you thought you knew. Ask for your eyes to be opened, your senses widened. It will happen when you're ready.
Every experience is an exercise that invites you to learn to trust your inner self more. You are moving in precisely the right direction. You sense that too, or you wouldn't be reading this now. It reinforces what you already know. All you need to have is faith.
Reader Comments (2)
I love how you phrased your 3rd paragraph - the process of clarifying that which is at the level of the soul....that which is nestled like a gem (or like the diamond analogy I used on the uroboros post).
That precious gem does NOT judge or punish - but it is certainly always there - and it's tone is demanding, is it not? It beckons for discovery. It is a taskmaster - ever coaxing us to unearth it's brilliance.
Thank you for this post Liara - it has inspired me.