What can you do to expedite your dreams?

No matter what you hope to experience, the quickest way to make it reality is to enable someone else to experience what you want. You might think, "whoa there!" Why would I help someone achieve the goal I hope to experience for myself? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of moving beyond the competition? Before you say "but!", listen to my logic.
Each person who enters your life, each event that unfolds, is telling you something about yourself. It is a reflection of some part of you. Do you feel complete? If not, what is missing? You are given clues all the time. But, do you sense them? Are you willing to accept them and yourself as you are? You must recognize anything is possible to live it.
Now, as you evolve, or take steps to become the source of joy, love, excitement, peace, and other good feelings for someone else, then, by extension, you are projecting the feelings you wish to evoke in yourself, and you do. You begin to fill the voids you think you have. You begin to realize fears are illusions you create. You begin to shape the life you used to think was out of reach. It never was. Nothing is, unless you believe that.
Does this sound like magic? It's not. Its how you expedite your dreams or, experience this world. These dreams aren't tangible things you buy. They are grounded in positive feelings and uplifting visions you create for yourself. To evolve to focus on blessings, to be a source of support, encouragement and knowledge for others, its as if you are doing the same thing for yourself simultaneously. Are you ready to transform your life?
Reader Comments (6)
Interestingly, EQ research shows that the act of coaching others is good for the coach's parasympathetic nervous system.