Is this who you really are?

How you come to live your life may bring feelings of aloneness, yet each moment offers unlimited opportunities for new awareness. People, events and things all around you are echoing back your choices, as if to ask you if you know what you're doing or saying.
You may be driving along, reflecting on unresolved issues with a family member, friend or business partner. Suddenly, a song plays with timely lyrics. The singer seems to perform for you. Is this a message from inside yourself, or beyond you? What will you do about it?
You may arrive at a venue for a function that turns out to be cancelled. Before leaving in disgust, you notice a poster for a meeting on a subject you've been meaning to make time for. Coincidence or synchonicity? Will letting go of anger bring you what you really want?
You may aim to teach children a lesson, based in part on what you, yourself were taught. Your words echo what you have accepted without thinking or questioning. If you assume children "talk back" and you reprimand and punish, what if you're missing something? Children have not been away from their deepest truth and highest reality as long as you. Could apparent rebelliousness be a form of Divine intervention? What if you listened?
When you react abruptly, you don't act from your deepest self. You're not attuned to who you really are. Ask yourself why you have grown to assume things like, "other life forms don't exist," "nobody knows what God looks like," "that's impossible," or, "I just can't imagine a way out of this." Why not ask instead, "what would love do now?"
Do yourself a favor. Evolve to where you catch yourself before you say, "there's no way," "that can't exist," "I can't do that" or, "he can't do that" or, "I would never convince someone of that." To begin to believe the opposite will have extraordinary implications.
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May your Journey be filled with love and joy
Thank you for the light and the guidance in a time I really need it. Thank you for being open to releasing it out into the ether where I may find it.
There is light.
Love & abundance to you!
(: Pippa
The sound confession of the truth changes everything around - thank you for the help.