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Liara Covert, Ph.D

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Rediscover 4 components of inner harmony

We each live with hidden virtue.  Life experience enables us to learn to move beyond our conditioned expectations.  We can expand our self-impressions, change the way we perceive ourselves.  You have no history to live up to, but ingrained ideas to understand and also transcend.  Choose to rediscover these 4 components of inner harmony:

1) Substitute judging with observing.  Whenever you see others in a negative light, imagine yourself in their place.  Recognize you have opportunities to reduce your criticism.  Choose to watch and listen.  Give without expecting and connect  to the world without aiming to control or possess superficial things.

2) Experience life by "decreasing."  From birth, you are urged to learn more, to amass diplomas and credentials as a measure of self-worth and success.  What if instead, you based your sense of success on "decreasing?"  Rather than seek to increase and quantify what you have and know, you move to filter superficial knowledge.   Honor yourself by using fewer words and giving less advice.

3) Move beyond divisions and loyalties.  Exclusions and allegiances are limiting.  Avoid sticking to one position or, supporting one group at expense of others.  This bolsters inflexibility.  Abandon rigidity.  Choose impartiality.  Evolve to become conscious of what its like to be other people and creatures. Discover the meaning of inter-connectedness.

4) Die while you're alive.  Imagine yourself as immune to harm.  Your soul is eternal.  The choices you make can enable you to feel more alive. If you feel lifeless, or lack energy and enthusisam, reframe death as an ending which triggers a new beginning. A vision of immortality will assist you to open your senses in ways that enable you to move beyond the limits of your perceived physical body.  Shatter senseless myths you have created. 

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Reader Comments (5)

Dear Liara,
this wise post makes me think more about point 2: "decreasing." I think its meaningful to reverse our "increasing" trends. Yet, we may have good intentions whether in- or decreasing.

It is good to come here and get inspirations. ;-)
March 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrainer
rainer, rather than focus on increasing or decreasing things in your life, you can choose to connect with a deep sense of love inside. It guides your awarneess of what is natural, desirable or unnecessary. You can evolve to identify experience, sensations and perceptions as separate from what you are taught or conditioned to think is important.
March 5, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I really enjoyed my visit to this website. I always learn new things about myself.
March 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNona Garg
Hi Liara,
I like all of the points, but I really love number 2. Of course human beings always want more, but more of what? How much junk can we stuff into our heads, it behooves us to decrease the insignificant, reorganize and regain our consciousness.

Excellent post.
March 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Hi Alexys.
As we grow to realize how we think and behave, we learn that virtually everything results from conditioning. The more we raise our awareness, the more we discover that we can acknowledge how we think and move to consciously shift our priorities.
March 7, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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