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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Dannion Brinkley & 3 tips to dispel your fear of life & death

On two occasions, Dannion Brinkley died after being struck by lightening.  He returned to this world to encourage us to face our own mortality.  We tend to be our harshest critics and the source of our greatest fears.  It is up to each of us to redefine a meaningful life. 

Dannion's near-death experiences (NDEs) prompted him to review his priorities and focus.  Trial and error led him to apply his heightened sensitivities.  He developed techniques to bond wth people and open their minds to his experience of  life and death.  He finds if people don't learn to recapture their spirits, they struggle to cope with the future.   In his way, he urges us to discern we have choices about how we think:

1)  Realize you don't know nearly as much as you think you do.  Move beyond a theoretical understanding.  What you have been taught on life and death  and  about 'worthwhile' choices, is often grounded in values and principles imposed by individuals and institutions.  Have you learned to separate your beliefs from external influence? How do you distinguish among reasons for fears and your ability to be spiritually perceptive?

2)  Grasp you need not wait until you have passed over to do a 'life review.' An overview of your life involves reflection about your hopes and dreams, what you feel is 'good' and 'bad.'  You can do this anytime.  To glimpse your spiritual nature enables you to overcome fear.  Choose to develop strength.  Everything is actually valuable experience.

3) Focus on how you make life better.  Evolve to treat others as you would have them treat you.  This is part of your learning process.  You can feel the way you make others feel when you help them.  You can rebuild or reframe the time you have.  How you react to people and conditions influences how your life unfolds.  Consider your self-view.  On what level do you empathize with others?  Its never too late to create peace within.

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Reader Comments (4)

Dear Liara, you always pick such valuable topics. To let go of every burden in your life would free you from bias that limits your learning. Maybe death will enable us to feel invincible? Every day is a gift that should be used carefully.
March 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrainer
When we are removed from our actual abilities, we get preoccupied with self-importance, perceived ego-mind accomplishments and illusions and miss what we really are. To choose compassion as our fundamental guide is to embrace a positive view of existence, in this world or wherever the soul travels. Learn to look inside yourself with joyful awareness.
March 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
I think we all know instinctively that when we die we go on living its just the whole system of education and science which has dominated the last 300 years has well brainwashed us into the existence we all now share
January 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichael
Michael, to choose to step outside your perceived comfort zone is to begin to rediscover many worlds and ways of perceiving outside the status quo. You realize reality is something other than what you thought you knew. Learning is a curve that keeps going and going...
January 11, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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