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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Rethink the value of astral dreams

For some reason, you may sense a desire to probe the depths of your soul.  You might be searching for answers and have been told the answers you seek lie within. Where does this lead you? You may be exploring the astral plane and not even realize it yet.

Many people don't yet realize dreams are an extremely valuable tool to raise self-awareness.  As you self-examine, you also develop and strengthen extra-sensory perception.   You may underestimate your gifts and the path can follow to clarify and shape these priceless treasures. These questions are offered to help guide yourjourney:

1) What's the connection?  Since some dreams are actually messages conveyed from other dimensions, learning to recall your dreams is actually developing your ability to recognize and listen to messages from  dimensions other than the physical dimension where you are.  The dream messages you receive may seem to be from people you know or strangers.  Each one is significant for what it is and teaches you there is more to life than what you think you already know.

2) How do you heighten your sensitivities?  This is a process.  The ability to discern messages that don't reach you through your conventional 5 senses is highly-dependent on your ability to introspect and sense what goes on inside your mind.  To learn to decipher dream symbols is useful, practical training for heightening your sensitivities.  The more repressed emotions in your dreams, the more blocked the bridge is between your conscious and subconscious mind.  Until you choose to learn to discern and work through your repressed emotions, you postpone unconditional love and self-acceptance and prevent your progress on other levels.

3) Why seek to balance your mind-body-spirit?  Only a well-balanced mind-body and spirit will enable a person to make effective use of extra-sensory abilities. Your underlying motivation for building innate skills determines whether and how they evolve.  If you genuinely seek to increase spiritual awareness and desire support to repair your soul and to assist others, these kinds of motivations will propel you forward. Yet, if you simply seek to bolster and inflate an unbalanced ego, you'll go nowhere fast.

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