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James Van Praagh & 4 Ways to prepare to be more receptive

James Van Praagh is a mental medium who interacts with 'the Other Side' in ways that may inspire human beings to communicate more effectively as they are.  His life work connecting the Spirit realm with our own encourages us to prepare to be more receptive for different kinds of communication throughout our lives.

In your own life, you may expect clear directives, familiar words and behaviors.  You may overlook subtle messages and reactions that urge you to listen to your intuition, or another side to a situation.  We each have opportunities to review experiences and rethink how we respond.  Learn to accept things are not always what you initially think.

1) Focus on external messages.  If you're deadset on joining a particular business, organisation or furthering a relationship, and things seem to go wrong, you may be missing important messages.  When you make repeated, incorrect turns,feel misdirected, like the world is against you or, frequently arrive at locked doors, you may ignore repeated signs that your intentions or pending decisions aren't in your best interest.  Why do some people seem to be so disconnected from their true selves that it seems even being hit over the head wouldn't enlighten them? Remind yourself accidents don't exist.

2) Be ready for revelations.  Human beings communicate in different ways.  Even before someone finishes a sentence, you may have already formulated or even started to blurt out your answer. Remind yourself that what might sound insignificant to you in passing may be very important to the person expressing a view.  As you listen with your soul, revelations you experience can touch on all of your senses and will always bring you back to focus on your core self.

3) Align your personality with your emotions.  As you evolve to get-to-know yourself better, you will discern when the tone of voice and words you choose are 'on the same plane.'  That is, if you sense you're a kind person and you hear yourself raising your voice to a commanding tone, or you're typically very demonstrative and then suddenly find yourself unemotional or indifferent, this is an invitation to explore inside yourself.  Noting subtle differences enables you to explore feelings you hide that require your attention.

4) Spirit won't always answer vital questions. Some people will consult mediums in search of answers.  You may have already done this or contemplate doing so yourself.  Whatever information you do or don't receive, it becomes apparent that you have to continue with your process of living and this means learning to make some challenging decisions about who you are and how to express yourself. Your own progressive decisions enable you to expand your personal strength and inner power.

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Reader Comments (5)

Those were all pointers that I can and will apply to life.

# 1 and #2 especially were vital pieces of information. I thought that there was something wrong with my constant brick walls when really I am searching for solutions that are not in my best interest. Example is that my husband wants me to get any old job. He has made suggestions and I have put in many applications. All attempts end up to be dead ends. I have had a great education and tons of experience but it seems as if I am at an abyss in the working world. I feel calm to be honest but when I think of my husband struggling with finances I start losing track and then I join in the "fretting" for which I know I should not be. I hope you are understanding my feeble attempts on expressing myself. Thank you very much for your visits to my blogs and all your sage advice. I know that your words are written with kindness and love.

February 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTitania
Dear Titania,
Each effort you exert to discover your needs is valuable. Each experience you have is meaningful for what it is. Human beings are often conditioned to assume purpose must be an end result, like a job or a reward. Yet, purpose can be more general and change. Your recent experiences invite you to be patient and diligent. Decide its all good. It is.
February 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
Hello Liara,
Thank you so much. :o)
February 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTitania
Thank you Liara for pointing me to this post. When I was starting out on my theatre training, I had so much good 'luck' and things were easy to acheive. Doors just opened for me. Even at the time (18yrs) I was aware that I was on my 'right' course of action - direction in life.

Equally, when I find myself acting out of character - I do take it as a pointer to explore my spiritual being.

I have less desire to visit mediums, than I did a few years ago. It is because I now understand the signs, revelations and challenges that are presented/occur to me

February 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
henry, any human being who deepens spiritual practices taps into what is sometimes termed as supernatural abilities. What seems beyond you is not. As you are discerning, you attune to energy at your own pace in yoru own way. The intensity of what you sense is less important than the fact you are raising awareness. Things you have always known but where not ready to accept are slowly surfacing. This is a sign of mcuh deeper growth.
February 20, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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