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Be where you are and rediscover your heart

Analysis of the week on dream submitted by A.E. of Maryland, U.S.A.

Dream : We have tickets to see The Hip show in Toronto. Since we are in town, it seems a cool thing to do. My husband goes to the theatre with someone. I need to drive my Nana's car somewhere and will meet them. I get lost, but finally manage to get there, leave the car and head to the theatre. I am delayed by a series of bizarre events, notably, being trapped on the roof of a skyscraper by armed gunmen. I don't recall how I escaped, but I did, and ran to the theatre. I get there and get up to first row balcony. My husband is waiting with other people. There has been no opening act, just a video montage of The Hip career. I have not missed the live show. Just as I arrive at my seat, the group appears to take the stage.  They decide to walk past the first row of the balcony and then down the stairs through the crowd to get to the stage. The lead singer sees me. I think how awfuI I must look, yet he comes to take me in his arms and kisses me.

Predominant Emotions : self-consciousness,  inadequacy, disbelief, relief, surrender.

Interpretation : Human beings traditionally think wholeness is like unattainable perfection. Wholeness simply has roots in humility. It reminds you of the role of balance and the different choices you can make in your life to re-establish this. As you are in the process of learning more about yourself, every choice you make is liberating. Ask yourself about the choices you make and the directions in which you’re moving in your life.  Are you moving toward greater well-being or, further away from who you really are? The nature of emotions you generate and to what degree they guide you, are a helpful gauge.

This dream invites you to change the way you see yourself. Rather than fragment or separate different aspects of your personality, rather than decide what you would like to keep, and what qualities you will fight against or repress, you are invited to embrace and accept them all.  Live beyond appearances and expectations.  As you change your thoughts, you realize your mind creates the world in which you live.  You're in the process of uncluttering views. Focus on where you are rather than where you're not.

Yielding to your positive and negative energy will help you to understand different parts of yourself and how they contribute to your completeness. As you identify reasons for experiencing feelings such as fear, anger, excitement, relief and passion, you will evolve to stop focusing on comparisons.   It is an inner need to separate into opposites that prevents you from focusing on the love that is within and surrounding you always. 

The more you ignore or deny what you know inside, the more it will corner you.  It may take the form of a monster in a dream, but it is really just a piece of yourself that has been rejected.  Your mind can twist and contort ideas based on your assumptions about what you should be doing or thinking.  Yet, in your heart, you already know what is right.

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