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Liara Covert, Ph.D

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Ko hsuan-- uncondition your self to the core

Ko hsuan's teachings explain consciousness is only experienced when you learn to uncondition yourself and discipline yourself not to permit reconditioning.  This implies you evolve to become unafraid to experience solitude and rediscover innocence at soul-level. 

Just imagine, you realize who you are isn't related to what your taught or what you choose to learn.  When was the last time you experienced a sense of absolute purity of the mind? Will you define it? Have you forgotten this state? Would you like to discover it?

Some people believe as they learn to empty their mind, they evolve to come into contact with beings in other worlds.  Call them your spirit guides, guardian angels or entities on another level.  This place is not as far away as you may assume.  Its simply that your mind is full of doubt and scepticism about what you have not yet grown to understand.

As you learn to tap into what lies beyond teh world you know, you no longer perceive yourself as you did before.  Some part of your assumed identity dissolves and you embrace what has always been underneath. 

In some sense, the identity you have created has to die.  You need to disconneect from your ingrained assumptions about yourself to be reborn.   To embrace your deepest purity is to stop pushing events but to succomb to innate spontaneity.  Raising your awareness is about senseing how you construct walls and learning to break them down.

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Reader Comments (4)

Dear Liara
I think, we all perceive without break with our pure core. But the conditioning lets me filter my perceptions in a way that is consistent in my known world.
Maybe the process of 'getting empty' is a protection for those who would grasp for anything. They realize they have access to their pure core.
Some things don't want to be touched.
Great post. Thank U!
February 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrainer
Hi rainer. Taking steps to get to the core of the self is a very meaningful goal. Who you are at the core is often different than what you initially think.
February 26, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
This is good! We've been working on Ho'oponopono this month, which is a Hawaiian technique very similar to what you're discussing here. Thanks!
March 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commentershirley
Shirley, opening our minds to new ideas reflects a view of the new spirituality. The world is full of gems which we can draw from to open ourselves up and feel more alive. All we have to do is notice that many paths exist to assist us to understand God or Higher Forces or whatever we associate with spirit. To become more aware is within reach for alll. If we don't transcend ego consciousness, then humanity could go downhill quickly.
March 5, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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