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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Discover the wisdom behind judgment

You may have heard that anyone who is judgmental or critical to other people is also unconsciously judgmental to themselves. If we want to move beyond the habit of judging people's presumed thoughts and beahvior, we need to first work on our own self-judging. 

To learn to stop judging ourselves and instead, to start accepting all that we are, means we will start accepting other people for all that they are.  Giving up the impulse to reject brings you to a level of new freedom.  How you see yourself reflects who you seek to be.

You always sense what is best for you, but you do not always listen.  You do not always choose to find the answers within yourself because you create fear and permit it to control you.  When will you be ready to redefine what is best for you where you are ?

If you choose not to have experiences you think you want, you choose to believe you will not realize dreams.  If you decide a vision or goal is beyond reach, then you choose to forget you have the answer to create the life you want.  That is all just self-defeating.

Remind yourself nothing is wrong with your choices.  Some will serve to promote your growth and others will not.  Yet, each one offers a clue to your inner wisdom.  Greater self-awareness is the underlying motive for choices.  Decide to rediscover yourself.

Learning to love yourself unconditionally and to resist fear will disolve any conditioned desire to judge. If you choose not to love yourself, then you choose not to love others.  Choose instead to nurture relationships that you have been blocking for too long already.

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Reader Comments (2)

Hello Liara. I always enjoy reading your posts. You get to the point and you provide daily life examples. Yes, to love yourself is the very beginning, but some people have never experienced love while they were children. They have a harder time working toward unconditional, self-love.
February 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrainer
Hi rainer. What you say is very true. From the moment people raise their awareness about what doesn't feel good and what they don't want, this is a turning point. We all have free will. We can choose to rediscover what we forgot about self-love. We can learn that what we have learned to replace it temporarily is hiding the truth we already know.
February 22, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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