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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Find a Holy man where you least expect

Word spread across the countryside about the wise Holy Man who lived in a small house atop the mountain. A man from the village decided to make the long and difficult journey to visit him.  He had questions and sought the teachings of a greeat scholar.

When he arrived at the house, he saw an old servant inside who greeting him at the door.

"I would like to see the wise Holy Man," he said to the servant.

The servant smiled and led him in. As they walked through the house, the man from the village looked eagerly around the house, anticipating his encounter with the Holy Man.  Before he knew it, he had been led to the back door and escorted outside. He stopped and turned to the servant,

"But I want to see the Holy Man!"

"You already have," said the old man. "Everyone you may meet in life, even if they appear plain and insignificant... see each of them as a wise Holy Man. If you do this, then whatever problem you brought here today will be solved."

Truly wise people don't seek prominance, but rather, choose to remain simple, ordinary and subtle.  Wisdom is hidden and nameless.  Its not characterized by your ego-inspired assumptions.  What would it take to separate yourself from superior-inferior labels?  As you examine your attachments to beliefs, realize you gain by letting these go. 

Begin to look beyond what your limited views tell you is the truth.  As you examine your own thoughts, you will realize you overlook sources of true wisdom around you. He may be your neighbour, a friend or a stranger on the street.  You will gain all that you need by recognizing wisdom presents itself in ways that make the ordinary extraordinary.

Without the mockery of those who believe themselve wise, the truly wise wouldn't be found. You're only one thought removed from sensing real wisdom.   Learn to see the world differently, step back from illusions you have created.  You can learn, retain and practice  insights.  Set aside your conditioned inclinations.   Reclaim your authentic self.

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Reader Comments (2)

Liara, to be open to the wisdom of the people, to realize that we are all equal, though different in appearance. You get it to the point. Thank you. I'll be back. ;-)
February 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrainer
Hi rainer. If we step back and decide to see our life situations differently, we can come to realize we have infinite opportunities to build on what wee think we already know.
February 18, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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