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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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5 Ways to decondition yourself

Each of us is conditioned to think and behave in certain ways.  Not all of our habits are good for us.  Not all of our thoughts are healthy, and uplifting.  Why is that? Why do human beings evolve to make their lives complicated when life is truly simple? 

This is a defense measure.  When we create difficulty, we don't have to do that.  We don't have to feel as though life is a vicious circle.  You can be decisive and choose to decondition yourself.  You may be unclear about where to begin.  Consider these 5 ideas:

1) Give up your urge to control.  Invite what evolves to go forward without your criticism or control.  Whenever you exert control or use force, resentment and hatred evolve outside yourself as counterforces.  This draws you further away from inner balance.  As you give up control,  you will discover benefits in learning to surrender.  

2) Accept there is a time for everything.  To decide you don't need a quick fix or antidote for discomfort may initially shock your system. Understanding how the world operates enables you to function more peacefully.  Many people need to understand what it feels like to "be behind" in order to recognize what it truly means to "be ahead."   

3) Surrender to your nature.  Discovering your nature happens one step at a time.  Each of us takes our own 'rest stops.' We dawdle or become periodically distracted by opportunities and experiences that are not compatible with who we are.  The more you struggle, the further you distance yourself from your authentic self. The things you love, you need to learn not to cling to them.  As you learn to let go, you become aware of the natural inclinations inside yourself.  Your energy flows in a humble way to its Source. 

4) Recognize your mind-body connections.  Your physical body isn't persuaded to do anything unless your mind is ready.  If an illness enters your body, it penetrates through the mind.  Anything that ever happens, emerges through your mind, even as you accept or reject things.  Ask yourself whether your instinctive reactions are compatible with who you are.  Forget the goal of getting somewhere.  Truth is uncovered where you are.

5) Believe the journey is your ultimate goal.  No matter which choices you make in this lifetime, what you assume you achieve or hope for, your journey is endless.  The path you are on is infinite.  Each departure, each new chapter that unfolds, is helping you to step back from previous experiences.  Its all about learning what love and forgiveness are, and what they're not.  Each experience is itself a milestone.  How you react is another.

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Reader Comments (2)

Great Post Liara

Social programming starts from the day we are born, do this, don't do that... Why? Because it is not socially acceptable. Ahhh the longings for the days of old, where everything seemed more simple. Now in the rat race world, struggling with relationships, struggling with careers, when are we going to find time to stop and smell the proverbial roses?

I am at a point in my life where I want to get out of the rat race and live a more simple and meaningful life. The steps are in place for just that to happen, and I will keep you updated as the plan falls into place.

Our house is sold and Visa applications are filed...Paradise here I come..
February 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCharles Hamel
The latest developments in your life sound mysterious and exciting. The choice to decondition ourselves begins with raising awareness and discovering we have choices.
February 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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