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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Realize the untapped power you have

If you were meant to be somewhere else right now, then you would be. To be where you are at this moment reveals you have unfinished business. You may be unaware of the exact nature or purpose of this stage of your life, but part of the human joy of existing is the ability to makeself-discoveries. What if you are here for more than one reason?

People do not get on a bus, plane, train or walk anywhere without having a reason for doing so. You always desire to go somewhere or do something. You are alsoconsciously aware of at least one motive and unawareofother motives. Your journey is about a process of revealing to yourself those reasons you do not initially see.

Imagine for a moment, that you chose to step into your current skin, clothes, life, to exist in the physical world. You have more than one reason for being here that has nothing to do with what you have been taught while in this character.

Part of you may be convinced it is like a role you perform in a play or movie. The only thing that you know for certain on a conscious and unconscious level is that you will leave this world at some point in the future. This would suggest you have more than one purpose; those you conditioned yourself to beleive while living in the body you currently inhabit, and at least one other, far-reaching purpose you had before you arrived here.

As you reflect on the earliest stages of this physical existence, you may recall feeling confused about how to communicate what you were thinking and feeling. Birth can be viwed as a traumatic and life-changing experience. As pain and suffering are known to set up mental blocks in human beings, you could also imagine that this happened from the moment of your birth.

In the physical world, conditioning is what you know. You come to accept what you have been told because it seems rational.  You believe you receive information from people you come to trust. You always accept things because part of you assumes they are the reasonable thing to accept, even when part of you senses there is far more to all this. You will see and grasp what makes sense at every stage of life. Much more remains.

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Reader Comments (10)

Acquiring the knowledge of WHY we are here could seriously be easier IMHO :)
November 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGInae B. McDonald
Maybe ultimate reality has nothing to do with having reasons for anything. Instead of additional reasons, maybe it turns out that there are no reasons.

I have no idea! Just tossing the idea out - thought-provoking post...
November 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Maurice Martin
Discovering that there is so much to learn about yourself as you engage in life is the joy of living well. To be able to keep on growing and opening to all the facets of the magnificence and unique beauty of your soul is a great gift.
Thanks for this thought provoking post, Liara.
November 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMiruh
Ginae, how you think and feel is as easy or as complicated as you like. The whole issue of taking responsibility for everything about how you live is what reminds you that you do have access to untapped power and wisdom. You can access it whenever you choose.
November 9, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Paul Maurice, at a given moment, each human being creates reasons to justify or rationalize whatever they think and feel. You may argue you do things consciously or unconsciously, but part of you has a motive that other parts of you are not privy to by choice. Why you choose to agree with other people or not is a choice. To believe reasons exist for anything is a choice. To believe reasons do not exist is a choice. To be honest with how you feel is a choice. To remain ignorant about the "why" is also a choice.
November 9, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Miruh, you are frequently redefining your personal understanding of "open-mindedness." You create rules, limits, boundaries and fears. As you slowly work through them, you raise awareness on different levels and expand in ways you had previously not accepted. The soul is only an enigma for as long as you choose to keep yourself where you are.
November 9, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
What jumps out at me here, Liara, is the whole idea of our life being a journey. And, indeed, that is how I see it. We're on a journey - and each moment is our time to do "something". And it all makes me question, like you have said so well - "what is my untapped power?". What am I here for, at this moment, and what is it I am to be doing, really doing?
November 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLance
Lance, as each human being evolves to accept and rejoice in the ansers he gives to this question, then the nature of the journey continues to expand in love. A journey is only as useful and enriching as we choose. Some people have not yet evolved to where they accept they are responsible for each stage of their journey or the many lessons available to be learned.
November 10, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara. I'm comfortably unaware of the exact nature or purpose of this stage in my life. I like wondering about the possibilities and then recognizing certain events as they unfold. And... then there are those frustrating times when I ask, "Why? What's the purpose of THIS?"

You know, I can only begin to imagine what it was like to be born. My earliest memory is from around age 4 or 5. It blows my mind to think of me, myself, travelling through the birth canal. Amazing to think of this actually!
November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavina
Davina. human beings have selective meories. When you injure yourself physically or endure suffering, your mind has a way of selectively blocking out aspects of the experience that render it uncomfortable. This is dissociation. You shift awareness to what feels good and shift away from what feels bad. Your consciousness always has a deeper understanding of why something evokes discomfort. As you raise awareness, you work through the negative feelings to realize details you forgot. Love surrounds them. Imagine why humans invented the story about babies coming from the stork. One explanation is that is perceived as an easy journey rather than the traumatic alternative that is another view of reality. You choose every reality and experience in your life.
November 11, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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