Bo Yin Ra and 5 Tips to reconnect with core happiness

Bo Yin Ra reminds each being that searching for happiness is unnecessary. How you view your life is a choice. Your choices can and do change. As you reflect on these five tips, what flashbacks are triggered?
1) Experience joy like a child. This means 'go with the flow' and rediscover the power of spontaneity. Remember what felt right before some outside force exerted effrt to deter or discourage you.
2) Listen to your creative impulses. This helps you sense the energy you generate within yourself. You are regularly invited to acknowledge and explore feelings that go against your impulses. When you feel chained, then you can discover your mind is key to freedom.
3) Realize you devise and sense harmony. As you evolve to realize life is a menu of unlimited choices, you begin to sense that soul-lebel choices are not the same as other choices. As you expand your mind, you expand your sense of choices and you make different decisions.
4) Dissolve your own illusions. Many people condition themselves to feel joy in relation to physical objects. One myth is that physical sensations are evoked by physical triggers.
5) Look within differently. To recognize the intangible requires you detach from assuming happiness is the result or consequence of some action. It is within, a faculty you develop and expand forever.
Reader Comments (3)
2) I flashback to several rehearsal situations, in which my impulses were over-ruled by others...It was very hard to accept, when I knew I was right (no doubt they also thought they were right...but their right had more to do with the wielding of power and had mine! :)
3) Realize you devise and sense harmony.~ I had done well and I was invited to go to Las Vegas for a long weekend. I realised I needed solitude and a period of collecting myself together, after a period of great creative output, so I declined. My decision created great disharmony and a sort of hurt anger. I now realise that the inviter needed me to be there for company - The upshot was that I could not relax because I felt that I had turned down a kind offer and that I had been the same time, I resented an order masquerading as a gift.
5) Look within differently. ~ Happniness is like a of my mother's favourite poems.
Harmony evokes feelings of ethics, morales and ego will often question whether or not "strings are attached" to apparent gifts. The right hemisphere of your brain reacts differently to each situation than your left. Which side controls you defines you.
A sense of happiness has been known to change based on how well you believe you know yourself. You reminisce about being a happy child but sense happiness differently based on who you sense you were and who you are. As you align your sense of self, you align energy and memories to concluce you have always been happy and always will be. Events and experiences simply distract you from this truth. That poem you mention, is fabulous!