Have you ever noticed?

Have you ever noticed that when you think positively, events unfold in ways that serve you? This is the power of positive thinking! You serve yourself and you also serve others.
Take for instance, when you are determined to get to the post office before it closes and you find yourself running late. It may seem trivial, but why is it the bus suddenly shows to get you there? This redefines the meaning of being in the right place at the right time. As you focus attention on serving clients or communicating with others, you are assisted.
Some people believe that the happier you sense you are at the core, the more likely you are to realize dreams. The more you choose to discern the energy inside and explore what you can do, the more reasons you will uncover for thinking positively more often.
Have you ever noticed that whenever your physical conditions disturb you somehow, you feel distracted from where you should be? You are in the process of learning what it means to operate more fully, to the best of your abilities. You may not know it yet.
The more people you can reach with your efforts to serve, the greater the impact your service will have. You can always find people with whom to share positive messages. You are capable of giving and receiving positive vibrations indefinitely. Have you ever noticed all the good you can do, and already do? Praise yourself more. Its long overdue.
Reader Comments (7)
What a fine post - and a journey out of ego and into purpose. What power we actually have to affect the world when we engage our much larger self and don't trap ourselves in finite self. Your example about the bus is absolutely true - whenever I focus on doing what is beneficial for all concerned, the universe certainly conspires in unique ways to bring it to pass. Thank you.
There is never too much to say about positivity. Every second we have the opportunity to be positive and to impact someone else's life. It doesn't cost anything to hang a smile in our heart. :D
I do get very negative from time to time (to time) and I always remember a joke my father told me about a man who insisted on banging his head against the wall. When asked why he did it, he replied that it was so good when he stopped.
It always makes me smile