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Are you disconnected from your true self?

If you're honest, its likely you would admit you have permitted yourself to be moulded to fit into a crowd or community.  This often promotes discomfort and dishonesty on a subconscious level.  In such cases, misery, frustration and anger arise and you may repress them at the same time as you repress your dreams.

To recognize you feel disconnected from your true self is the first step to transforming your life for the better.  You can benefit from learning more about Robin Sharma's Seven Stages of self-Awakening.  Consider these highlights:

1) Stage 1: people are unconscious to the truths of life and have little idea about how the world actually works.  As you project your fears, misunderstandings and false beliefs into your surroundings, the result is an inaccurate view of reality.

2) Stage 2:  As you discern you are following the status quo and living a life that appears incompatible with who you are, you realize you have choices.  You can buy into illusions, continue living as you always have, or decide to redefine your own path and happiness.

3) Stage 3:  This is the phase where you recognize your perception is evolving.  Your sense of the truth is changing.  You begin to grasp you're meant to experience abundance, to seize opportunities and to make the most of your relationships and experiences.

4) Stage 4:  As you seek wisdom, you seek out mentors and teachers to help you progress.  You admit you are hungry for answers and healing.  This is where you grasp the revelation that a sense of confusion will always lead to new levels of understanding and clarity.  Its a process of revelation...yours.

5) Stage 5: To transform and feel reborn may strike you as a most challenging phase.  And yet, it may also be where you learn the most in ways you'll never forget.  This is where your true self makes itself noticed on a regular basis.  How you perceive yourself, your potential and the world will never be the same.

6) Stage 6: Here is where you acknowledge trials and tribulations.  This is where you need to confirm you've learned the necessary lessons and admit how much you desire to reconnect to your true self.  Many people give up and retreat.  Only people who truly believe in themselves persist.

7) Stage 7: Your awakening or period of enlightenment is where you evolve into the qualities and characteristics which are your true nature.  You become fearless, innocent, infinitely wise.  You harness the power of pure love and unconditional compassion.  To get here, you have to evolve to where you desire to be true to yourself more than anything.  Discover your destiny.

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Reader Comments (5)

Very good points made.If I may simplify, I would say that we see our world as a reflection of our inner-self.
So change our inner-self and our world changes with us.
Education is the key to change.! Knowlege empowers us to achieve through thoughts and actions.One of my education sites
Keep up the good work.
January 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSimon OLoughlan
Every time I have repeated conflict in my life, it is from not being connected to something I need to learn. Maybe my authentic self is blind at that time, or it is the area calling for growth. When I finally get it, everything heals in that area and I am clear. Life is good again and that test is not repeated.

What I see MUST reflect what is, or it doesn't feel good over the long term.
January 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLoving Annie
Hi Simon.
I share your view that the world we choose to perceive is an extension of our inner self. I would add that humans exist at different levels of conscious awareness. This means they do not always make conscious connections between how they think and feel and the details of the lives they lead. We can all learn to make new connections among everything that happens, including how we truly feel, and why we invite who we meet.

Hi Loving Annie.
Each living creature exist to learn lessons. This would imply living itself is a sign we still believe we have lessons to learn. Some people believe that life is all about evolving to raise our awareness about why we chose to be born. If we forgot certain details, became disconnected from our purpose or true passion, rest assured that we can wake up from that dream and choose to live another one.
January 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
way to Awareness -- simplified and well presented.
January 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermergingpoint
Hi Mergingpoint. Thanks for the compliment. To summarize how anyone can reconnect with their true selves, the most effective thing to do is to live your life in ways that are aligned with who you are. Do good gestures, and be good to yourself.
January 20, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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