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Liara Covert, Ph.D

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Find courage to see the truth

Analysis of the week on dream submitted by A.K. of Melbourne, Australia

Dream- I was talking with someone about films. My 'dream conversationist' had to name a film starring an actor we'd discussed. I admitted to this person I hadn't heard of the film. When I awoke, I was susprised to realize I had been duped by this person when he made up a film. My subconscious dream friend had substituted a plausible film name into the talk with no qualms rather than admit not knowing the answer.

Predominant Emotions- Fear, Inhibitions, gullability, disbelief, guilt and courage.

Interpretation-People in your dreams represent part of your personality. Its useful to reflect on each person's behaviour and which emotions this would evoke in you in waking life. Two people involved imply a kind of contemplation or indecision.

Films enable you to analyze your behavior from a detached perspective. You may fear putting yourself in a situation where you feel vulnerable. Why do you resist trusting your instincts? Remaining emotionally aloof doesn't permit you to see or experience the truth. If you allow your mind to imagine worst case scenarios like lying and betrayal, you prevent yourself from appreciating benefits of your fear and confusion.  What can you learn from limits you impose on yourself while awake?

This chat is a non-threatening setting where your mind is working out how to remove yourself from or reframe a source of discomfort.  Rest assured. You always have choices. You can learn to shed your inhibitions, to do those things which typically evoke guilt or other kinds of distress. Its possible you aren't being honest with yourself or someone else about your true feelings. Bring more of your authentic self into your relationships and pursuits. Practice listening with an open heart.

You may imagine it requires courage to express how you truly feel, to question some of your choices, to become accountable for past behaviour.  Other notions of courage may emerge in your head.  Nothing compares to finding the courage to get to know someone and to become known in ways that only happens when you're ready.

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