Time to get a move on

Okay, the sun rises and sets in your mind, and time seems to pass. Yet, are those things you've been meaning to do really getting done? If not, perhaps its time to look at your world with different senses? This doesn't suggest you must trade in what you already have. Use this opportunity to seek ways to enrich the perception you already have. Learn to step back. Address issues in new ways:
1) Think more about what you need to do. Thinking is the first step to actually doing. When you consciously repress or put things out of your mind, that isn't going to help you accomplish them. Overcome procrastination and stop postponing things.
2) Recognize the benefits of making lists. Some people say they can remember everything they write inside their mind. In most cases, this technique ins't fullproof. Write on paper and review your list as often as necessary. It will help!
3) Ask for assistance. Nobody does anything alone. We're all connected. We're all inspired by others or we learn from watching, listening and approaching people for advice. You can too! Be open to alternatives for getting things done.
4) Reward your progress. As you make headway and get things done, that's reason to celebrate! It can give you a sense of accomplishment to cross things off lists, but why not go a bit further? After all, you deserve to love and appreciate yourself. It will also motivate you to continue.
5) Acknowledge cycles. Each person has more and less intense periods of activity. We take info in and benefit from noticing cycles and phases. Each time you finish things, its the end of one chapter and the start of a new one. You'll get where you're going one step at a time. Accept up days and down days. Your pace will change. No need to get upset for being slack in the past. Create a new kind of future.
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