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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Echo of the angels

Rest assured, no mistakes exist.  All paths converge eventually. You might ask, when? Some choices get you to your desination with few detours. Opportunities previously unavailable to you are becoming accessible. You have arrived at a significant threshold. Will you pay close attention and listen to your dreams?

Angels remind you the time has come for more profound thinking in your life. Accept what you already know is true about yourself. The Moon and the Sun are bringing you answers. What do you choose to hear? Are you truly listening? More than changes in temperature and season will influence your thinking. Remember, without the Moon, we have no Sun, and without the darkness, we have no sense of hope or light.

Close your eyes. Imagine your angels gather around you. Make space in your life for your chosen angels. They leave signs telling you they are nearby. Their communication is not always direct, but it is most certainly real and not imagined. Each person can access divine light and divine guidance. When will you open up?

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Reader Comments (2)

I agree there are no mistakes as there are no coincidences. Everything happens as it should happen, everything happens as we create it to happen.
September 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Great points Mark! In terms of echos, I also think of reverberrations in perception.

Some people may not see, and live in a "sightless" world. Yet, their hearing is often magnified to the point where they hear what other people can't. They infer what they see based on their imagination and information which will always be indirect. They may stumble at times and make mistakes because of what they don't recognize the choices which work. They need to have faith that they will learn to recognize the world and themselves for what each really is.

If you think about it, no matter what our level of perception, we all do this. When our cues for inferences are incorrect, we falter. We can become discouraged. We don't sense what we really need to see. This is when learning to reconnect with guardian angels can help raise our awareness of what matters.

To make an analogy, if we cling to views and lessons that aren't good for us, then they keep us blind to the truth. We must do more than adjust to the life we think we know. We must adjust to the life we don't know, and those things we fear most.
September 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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