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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Time to face whose truth?

For some of us, its difficult to accept or even care about reasons why we behave as we do. You learn from what you've been taught, by whom you've been taught, in societies or institutions where it happens. You develop habits and inclinations that lead to patterns and habits, but how often do you think about them or the implications on others? You instinct may be to say, "why bother?" How could you begin to change cycles or vicious circles? Why would you even desire to do that?

Let's say that you may have moved away from what is good for you, from what enables you to feel positive and motivated, from what connects you to people and makes you feel valued. How would you know?It pays to ask why you do things and for whom. Dig inside yourself. What do you find?

Why do you permit society to decide when its time for you to retire, how much money the government will pay in benefits or pensions. Why do you ignore the role young people or older people could play in certain settings, based purely on things like age or a desire to marginalize? Why would you avoid acknowledging that this situation is real and that you may buy into it?

What would happen if you suddenly began to see your choices for what they really were? For reinforcing stereotypes, hierarchical systems, power dynamics, the growing disparity between the 'haves and have nots?'  Each time you buy something, support a cause,an organisation, religious institution or a government in any way, then you're advocating the whole process behind it, the lifestyles that are upheld and denied.  Why would you desire to do that (or not)? Each moment, you make decisions that enable you to play into the hands of somebody's truth. Why isn't it your own?

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