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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Sort through to your core truth

As you create a sense of success, your mind recognizes different levels of decision-making.  You draw from intuition, emotion, rationality, which may all conflict at different periods of time.  How you think can attract success or push it away.  You may not yet recognize your own strength.

Each day, you search for clues.  You take steps to guide your own natural discoveries.  How you were raised or what life experiences have guided you may not define your true sense of success.  You may ask yourself how you'll know what this particular thing is.  There may be more than one. The meaning of your instincts and feelings are usually conditioned by your elders before you to grow to interpret them for yourself.  Perhaps your true self has been contrained or denied?

How you think about what is acceptable, feasible, affordable, laughable, achievable is all influenced by external sources.  This translates into your life choices.  How you think about yourself, your potential and circumstances essentially enables you or holds you back from goals.  Your mindset reverberrates in your attitude, your beliefs, and life choices.  Even relationship choices mirror or hide your true self.

Its never too late to rethink your inhibitions and the reasons why they have evolved.  A sense of success can be revised and reworked based on how you understand your truth.  People around you will only share the truths they know.  Yet, what you devise and believe is possible could be very different indeed.  As time passes, you will learn to distinguish which truths aren't yours.

How often have you talked of your life as if it was based on the life of a parent, a teacher, a mentor, your culture, society or religion, and you really don't know your own self outside of these life views? Your ideas of success are your core truths.  This is a life quest. How and why are you searching?  Only you answer for yourself, and only when you're ready.  Rethink success in totally new ways.  Be true to yourself.

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