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Liara Covert, Ph.D

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"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Redefine surrender

Surrender yourself to positive thinking.  Create a heathier image of yourself on the inside.  You can turn any situation around with your mind. Listen to the words that are coming out of your mouth.  What ideas are you reinforcing? How are you spending your time? What situations are you talking about? You may not realize that destructive thoughts lead to destructive words and a destuctive focus that holds you back. Your word choices themselves strongly influence your life.

In some areas of life, surrender is not perceived as a good position to take. You may assume this means giving up. Many people assume it only means giving up the power you could exert over yourself.  If you think like that, you forget surrender can also be very empowering.  If you let go of negative thoughts and resolve that issues will work themselves out as you focus on what matters, Higher Forces will intervene. Voluntarily turning your attention away from destructive people and how they hurt you or manipulate yoru life is like surrendering yourself to a better life.

You need to apply uplifting thinking in your life in order to make good things happen. They won't simply unfold for you if you don't choose to believe them. How could you redefine the power of surrender in your life? What kinds of thoughts would you be willing to give up in order to better yourself? You have far more influence over the evolution of your life than you may realize.

All your feelings, beliefs and knowledge are based on your conscious and subconscious thoughts. Realize that you are in control, whether you know it or not. Each of us can be positive or negative, enthusiastic or complacent, active or passive. The biggest difference between people is their attitudes. Why not decide learning will be enjoyable and exciting? Tell yourself that learning is taking you places. It is more than a phase along the road to a job or a lesson that applies only temporarily. It defines your attitude. Choose to believe to be a believer in yourself. Surrender to faith in yourself.

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
~Abraham Lincoln

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Reader Comments (4)

You know a lot of what you said reminds me of "The Secret". What a very uplifting story that was! "Man becomes what he thinks about!"

It is a struggle (at least it is for me) to continuously focus on what I want as opposed to what I don't want. I have heard that such struggles are the result of "the devil trying to distract you from what you really want" and I try to stay on track.

I also have a copy of Dr. Wayne Dyer's "The Power of Intention" another good resource to have.

The name of your blog says it all - Dream Builders and that's what we all should do - build our dreams!
July 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRose
In life, we all find exactly what we're seeking. Yet, people aren't always attuned to their deepest desires. They may not realize that conscious choices are incompatible with those of their inner self. Life enables us to unveil our true hopes and dreams.

Ideas presented in Rhonda Byrne's book 'The Secret' are presented in various forms in almost every culture, religion and field of historic human endeavour. The point is, everyone lives and learns at their own pace. We use different tools, relationships, mentors or books to open our senses. What you're ready to recognize and understand changes throughout your life. Mahatma Gandhi said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Of course, part of dreambuilding is learning to identify and transform into those changes you desire to experience.
July 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi ... me again with my thoughts on this post. Surrender is the key. For me, surrender is to the Goddess, the Divine Mother, an in doing so, I no longer voluntarily or INvoluntarily feed the negativities that hold me down. It's like a magic happenstance, don't you think? We, without knowing it, actually empower the negative things in our lives by giving them attention!

The mystery!

May 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonna L. Faber
Donna, as we shatter our own illusions, we begin to redefine value in changing perspectives. Who we are right now and what we sense about ourselves will differ from how and what used to think. Rather than judge, why not simply observe and grow?
May 6, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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