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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Move beyond fear

A number of people dream how they could move beyond fear.  You may also ask how you can get out of the grips of this potentially-destructive emotion.

One friend of mine has a fear of flying, literally.  When she boards a plane to travel somewhere, she pops the gravel or some other pill to knock herself out so she can forget about what is happening.  She prefers not to be conscious because they she doesn't have to deal with it.  Denial and then using a quick fix is her way.  "This approach works well enough," she explains. I smile and shrug my shoulders.  I've also encouraged her to rethink the reasons for her fear.

Now, consider your own circumstances.  What experiences frighten you? Are you aware of the root causes of your fear? The moment you decide fear will no longer control you, you're life will begin to change for the better.  Attitude and conditioning can assist you to overcome fear. You must learn to decipher what is truly rational versus what is irrational in your thinking.

More specifically, you need to learn what is truth and when you're lying to yourself. Challenge every fear-based thought.  Find out what is real and what is your imagination running away with you.  This may seem like the ultimate risk, to be honest with yourself and take control of your life.  Just think of all the positive experiences waiting for you! 

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