The 'make-other-people-happy' gene

You may not consider having a change of heart controversial, but what about people around you? What if you're the type of person who doesn't like to disappoint others?
Maybe, from the time you were a child, you considered yourself a 'good kid.' You always felt you did the right thing. You felt the love and respect of your parents and or at least a close circle of friends, teachers and mentors. Somewhere along the way, you developed the desire to please and this became synonymous with your own sense of happiness. You couldn't tell the difference.
Suddenly, you're having seemingly radical thoughts. Your intuition is suggesting you change course. You sense something doesn't fit. You envision separating from what you know or have known. People are not looking at you kindly. Will you leave them in a bind and think of yourself? Intead of inner peace, do you experience inner turmoil? What makes the most sense when your desires are in diametric opposition?
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